
粵港澳的物理學會在澳大合辦“粵港澳大灣區物理 學會2018聯合年會”,為區內的科技合作開創平台。 在另一優勢學科中醫藥研究方面,澳大與粵港兩地 的院校設有多個合作平台。今年8月,澳大與香港 浸會大學和廣東省中醫院在廣州啟動“粵港澳大灣 區中醫藥創新中心”。該中心著力建設“教育部粵 港澳聯合實驗室”,促進在防治免疫相關疾病方面 的中醫藥學術研究、產業轉化與臨床應用。 培養人才 把握灣區機遇 大灣區發展為粵港澳的青年開闢廣闊的成長和事業 發展空間,港澳居民赴粵尋找機遇蔚然成風。宋永 華校長表示,澳大正從多方面提升本地青年在區內 的競爭力,尤其著重培養中葡雙語人才和促進創新 創業,為他們在大灣區的多元發展累積力量。為協 助培養高水平的中葡雙語人才,澳大在2017年5月 成立中葡雙語教學暨培訓中心,強化澳門乃至整個 大灣區與葡語國家的連結。 在協助學生於大灣區創業方面,澳大協同創新研究 所培養創新創業人才,為青年提供創業知識和專業 諮詢,協助他們化理念為實踐,投身區內龐大的市 場。澳大近年更積極推薦學生創業團隊參與“百萬 獎金創業大賽”等區域性創業比賽,部分獲獎團隊 更已在大灣區開展創業孵化。 與此同時,澳大鼓勵和安排學生到多個大灣區城市 考察、交流、創業和實習,今年暑假就有多名學生 到橫琴的公共機關和銀行實習,親身探索大灣區的 also building a research partnership with the Shenzhen-headquartered telecommunications giant Huawei. In synthetic chemistry, optoelectronics and energy materials research, UM and Sun Yat-Sen University (SYSU) established a Ministry of Education joint key laboratory in May, hoping to play to their complementary strengths. This indicates each university’s renewed commitment to academic partnership. As Rector Song says, the two universities’ in-depth cooperation will serve as a model for cross-border cooperation among their counterparts in the Greater Bay Area. In the same vein, UM joined the physical societies in Macao, Hong Kong and Guangdong in hosting the first Joint Annual Conference of Physical Societies in GuangdongHong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area on the UM campus in July to offer platforms for technological cooperation. UM is gaining momentum in its intra-Greater Bay Area cooperation in Chinese medical sciences. In August, representatives from UM, Hong Kong Baptist University, and Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine gathered in Guangzhou to launch an innovation centre for Chinese medical sciences, which is tasked to promote research projects on immune deficiency diseases and their commercialisation and clinical applications, and to build a Ministry of Education joint laboratory. Preparing Students for Bay Area Opportunities The Greater Bay Area’s accelerating growth provides young people in Macao with tremendous scope for personal growth and professional development. As people from Macao and Hong Kong are increasingly keen to seize the region’s new opportunities, Song says UM supports its students on all fronts to boost their competitiveness. In particular, great importance has been given to training Chinese-Portuguese bilingual professionals and promoting of innovation and entrepreneurship, with both initiatives aiming to prepare Macao’s young people for endeavours in the Greater Bay Area. In May 2015, UM inaugurated its Chinese-Portuguese Bilingual Teaching and Training Centre to nurture high-calibre bilingual professionals who can strengthen links between Portuguese-speaking countries and Macao as their gateway to the Greater Bay Area. To support students’ business plans in the Greater Bay Area, UM’s Institute of Collaborative Innovation works to equip them with professional knowledge and skills, so that they can put their innovative entrepreneurial ideas into action to tap into the region’s huge market. UM sponsors students to join the One Million Dollar Entrepreneurship Competition and other regional competitions. Encouragingly, some awarded UM student teams have already started businesses in the Greater Bay Area. Gaining first-hand experience is a good way to learn, particularly evident in UM’s efforts to encourage and facilitate students to visit, intern and open businesses in the Greater Bay Area. Among them are UM students who undertook internships at public entities and banks in Hengqin last summer. Meanwhile, this year UM admitted over 270 students from Hong 澳大在2018/2019學年錄取了270多名來自大灣 區廣東省9市和香港的優秀學生 UM admitted over 270 outstanding students from the Greater Bay Area (nine cities in Guangdong province and Hong Kong) in the 2018/2019 academic year umagazine issue 19 14 封面故事 COVER STORY