
發展。此外,澳大在新學年錄取了270多名來自香 港和大灣區廣東省9市的學生,期望增進區內青年 的互相瞭解,迸發創新創業的火花。 締造平台 深化學術合作 粵港澳三地高等院校林立,各有優勢,但大灣區的 深度協同發展絕非一校之力足以支撐。正如澳大副 校長(學術)倪明選教授指出,大灣區教育資源豐 厚,關鍵在於學校間如何合作。“譬如在實驗室儀 器平台共用方面,不可能每間學校都花大量經費去 購買設備,如果能通過平台共用,鼓勵大家合作, 才能優勢互補,共同發展。” 有見及此,澳大在2016年與中山大學和香港中文 大學共同發起“粵港澳高校聯盟”,並與區內多所 高校成立了“粵港澳高校圖書館聯盟”和“粵港澳 高校創新創業聯盟”等協作平台,更擬年內在依托 中山大學超算中心的基礎下成立“超算聯盟”,強 化三地在超級計算的研究和應用上的合作。澳大亦 與華南理工大學簽署合作協議,推進兩校及粵澳兩 地高等教育的發展,鼓勵資源共享。 粵港澳大灣區發展為澳大締造難得的機遇。舉目前 瞻,宋永華校長強調澳大會繼續配合大灣區的發展 策略,“成就立足澳門、融入灣區、面向全國、走 向世界,共同建設澳門、服務國家、貢獻人類的卓 越大學”。 Kong and nine neighbouring cities in Guangdong, seeking to enhance understanding among young people from different parts of the Greater Bay Area and inspire new possibilities for innovation and entrepreneurship. Building Platforms for Strong Collaboration The in-depth integration as enshrined in the Greater Bay Area’s developmental vision calls for stronger collaboration among the region’s many tertiary institutions, which show a great variety of strengths and patterns. As UM Vice Rector (Academic Affairs) Lionel Ni says, while the region is rich in academic resources, the real question is how its tertiary institutions will cooperate for the best possible outcome. ‘On issues such as laboratory appliances, it is infeasible that every institution spends heavily on them. Their complementary development can only be achieved through resource sharing via various platforms.’ In 2016, UM, SYSU and the Chinese University of Hong Kong launched the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao University Alliance, followed by intraGreater Bay Area alliances on interlibrary collaboration, entrepreneurship and innovation. A Greater Bay Area alliance on supercomputing, with UM as a member, is to be launched and attached to the National Supercomputer Center in Guangzhou on the SYSU campus. In addition, UM and South China University of Technology signed a collaboration agreement in August to promote the development of both sides and the overall higher education in Macao and Guangdong. The Greater Bay Area’s development has been generating new opportunities for UM. Looking forward, Rector Song reaffirmed that the university will keep striving for excellence, in light of the city cluster strategy, to position itself in Macao, integrate with the Greater Bay Area, and develop relations with China and beyond. 澳大與中山大學在化學合成、光電與能 源材料方面的研究各有優勢,共同成 立“教育部聯合重點實驗室” In synthetic chemistry, optoelectronics and energy materials research, UM and Sun Yat-Sen University establish a Ministry of Education joint key laboratory to play to their complementary strengths umagazine issue 19 15