
為配合澳門特區政府在大灣區規劃的推進落實,澳門 大學作為公立大學,責無旁貸培養能迎合大灣區發展 和挑戰的創新和多元人才,配合澳門未來經濟社會發 展的需要。今期封面故事探討宋永華校長上任後推行 的人才培養策略,以及配合大灣區發展所推出的項 目,如何助力澳門更好地融入國家的發展大局。從山 區裡走出來的宋永華校長,是一位傑出的科學家,兼 具高瞻遠矚的教育視野,他在專訪裡跟讀者分享他的 人生故事和教育理念。 人才培養需要從小做起,因此,澳大新成立了“澳門中 小學生人文社科教育基地”及“澳門中小學生科技實 踐基地”,在人才培養策略上走前一步,與澳門教育界 緊密聯繫和合作,從中小學起開拓澳門學生在人文、社 科、科技的創新視野,使學生從小就得到全人教育的發 展,為未來的發展打下紮實的基礎。今期的專題訪問了 身肩兩個基地人才培養重責的教授們,分享基地成立的 長遠意義和現時所實施的人才培養項目。 澳大的中醫藥研究蜚聲國際,有一門由中華醫藥研 究院陳新教授等授課的“中醫藥探秘”通識課程,深 受學生歡迎。陳新教授的課將中醫知識與生活緊緊結 合,我們特別走進他的課堂,瞭解其授課形式以及受 學生歡迎的原因。 今期的人物故事,訪問了獲得卓越教學獎的法學專家 稅兵教授、幼兒教育專家劉乃華教授以及歷史學家王 笛教授,分享他們在教學和研究生涯裡一路前行探索 的精彩故事。在“學院專欄”,請來了三位澳大學者撰 寫有關基礎教育、網絡遊戲沉溺,以及量子計算的研 究文章。 As a public university, the University of Macau (UM) is committed to supporting Macao’s development plan in the Greater Bay Area by producing innovative, well-rounded graduates. In this issue’s cover story, we interview Rector Yonghua Song, a scientist-turnededucator with humble beginnings in a remote Chinese village. Rector Song shares with us his life story, his philosophy of education, his strategies for student training, and the projects UM plans to launch to support the Greater Bay Area initiative. Rector Song’s story is a perfect example of how education received at a young age can have a far-reaching influence on one’s later life. To give young students in Macao a head start, UM has established two educational bases in Macao, namely the Macao Base for Primary & Secondary Education in Humanities & Social Sciences, and the Macao Base for Primary & Secondary STEM Education. In collaboration with other educational institutions in Macao, these two bases will provide training courses in the humanities, social sciences, and science and technology, to help students achieve well-rounded development and lay a solid foundation for their future success. Two professors involved in the project explain the significance of the two bases and the training programmes currently in progress. UM has an international reputation for its excellent research in Chinese medical sciences. But the university is just as good in teaching the discipline. A general education course in Chinese medicine, offered by Prof Chen Xin in the Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences and his colleagues, is especially popular with students. Prof Chen discloses how he engages the students by teaching knowledge with useful applications in everyday life. Professors like Chen Xin treat teaching as a calling. Many faculty members at UM share this attitude. Law professor Shui Bing, who won the Teaching Excellence Award this year, and Prof Liu Naihua, an expert in early childhood education, offer insightful answers to the question, ‘What does it mean to be a true educator?’ Other articles not to be missed in this issue include the one about Prof Wang Di, a dedicated historian, as well as the three ‘Faculty Column’ pieces that discuss basic education, addiction to online gaming, and quantum computation, respectively. 編者的話 Editor’s Words Autumn/Winter 2018 <<Issue 19 第十九期 >> 總編輯 Editor-in-chief 張惠琴 Katrina Cheong 執行編輯 Executive Editor 張愛華 Ella Cheong 助理編輯 Assistant Editor 庄瑜婷、葉浩男 Cravina Chong, Davis Ip 翻譯 Translators 陳靜、蘇恩霆 Ruby Chen, Anthony Sou 顧問 Advisors 社會科學學院副院長 Timothy Simpson 教授 Prof Timothy Simpson, Associate Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences 社會科學學院中國當代社會科學研究中心主任 吳玫教授 Prof Wu Mei, Director of the Social Science Research Centre on Contemporary China 人文學院中國語言文學系榮休教授 鄧景濱教授 Prof Tang Keng Pan, Emeritus Professor of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature 出版 Publisher University of Macau ISSN: 2077-249 是澳門大學之官方刊物,每年出版兩期,旨在報導教學、科研及大學發展的最新動向。 is a biannual publication of the University of Macau. It aims to provide information on the latest development of the university in teaching, research and other areas. 電話 Tel: (853) 8822 8833 傳真 Fax: (853) 8822 8822 通訊 Mail: 中國澳門氹仔 大學大馬路 澳門大學N6行政樓G012室 Room G012, Administration Building, University of Macau, N6 Avenida da Universidade, Taipa, Macau, China 電郵 Email: 網址 Website: 張惠琴 Katrina Cheong