
宋永華校長表示,一流大學的標準是要能夠吸引一 流的老師和一流的學生到來,更要為本地和世界 做出有影響力的貢獻。澳大的發展願景還有許多方 面,包括要回應和滿足本地社會發展的實際需求, 提供最卓越的教學及創新科研,服務澳門,其次是 提升國際化程度,與世界接軌。“我們培養人才首 先必須要滿足澳門社會的需求,他們應是具有家國 情懷、國際視野、全球競爭力、創新思維及對社會 有承擔的領袖人才和世界公民。”宋永華校長擁有 在中西不同高校的管理經驗以及熟悉歐美和亞洲高 等院校的辦學和運作規律,這是他出任澳大校長的 優勢。“國家和澳門特區政府對澳門高等教育發展 的高度重視,我身為澳大校長,任重道遠,希望把 自己積累多年的教學和高校管理經驗,協助澳大提 升整體的辦學水平,培養出能夠為國家和澳門做貢 獻的優秀人才。 2019年將迎來建國70週年暨澳門回歸祖國20週 年。宋永華校長高興地說:“澳大將透過籌備一系 列的活動與社會一起總結經驗,展示澳大的辦學成 果,並藉此良機更好地規劃未來,探索繼續為國家 和澳門作出貢獻的路向。 ” service high on our agenda and building a better platform to make it happen so as to promote the socioeconomic development of the Macao society. To Rector Song’s way of thinking, whether a university becomes truly first-class ultimately depends not only on whether it can attract the best scholars and students, but also on whether it can create a positive impact on the local and international communities. UM’s vision is kaleidoscopic: meeting the needs of the rapidly-developing Macao society, offering top-quality education, carrying out innovative research, serving the local community, and becoming a truly international institution. To the question ‘What kind of graduates do we want to produce?’ his answer is simple: They must, first and foremost, be able to meet the needs of the local community. Their heart must inhabit the homeland, but their mind must be globally guided. They must be internationally competitive, intellectually critical and creative and yet socially responsible. In a nutshell, we want to produce future leaders and global citizens.’ Rector Song himself embodies these attributes, with a wealth of experience at high levels in higher education, at home and abroad. He is poised to take the university to a place it has never been. He is acutely aware of the high expectations of our governments, both local and central, and fully feels the weight of responsibility on his shoulders. But here is a leader who is equal to the task, in aptitude and attitude, in determination and sense of destiny. The year 2019 will mark the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China and the 20th anniversary of Macao’s return to the motherland. To mark both milestones, Rector Song says UM will organise a series of events to take stock of the past, showcase its current achievements, and plan for a future where the university can make a greater contribution to Macao and China. 上任後,宋永華校長走訪各機構,加強與社區聯繫和聽取各界建議。 After assuming office as UM’s new rector, Prof Yonghua Song visited various organisations in Macao in an effort to strengthen UM’s ties with the local community and listen to comments and suggestions from different sectors of society. 宋永華校長(中)及馬許願副校長(全球事務)(右二) 訪問安哥拉高等教育及創新科技部 Rector Yonghua Song (middle) and Vice Rector (Global Affairs) Rui Martins(2nd from right) visit the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation of Angola. 短片:立足澳門、走向世界—澳門大學宣傳片 Video: Going Global from Macao – A Promotional Video about UM umagazine issue 19 21