
In line with the needs of Macao's future economic and social development, as well as youth development strategies, the University of Macau (UM), as a public university of Macao, continues to give top priority to nurturing students and equipping them with innovative, creative and critical thinking skills in order to produce high-calibre professionals in various fields. In light of this mission, UM recently inaugurated two Macao bases for primary and secondary education, one in humanities and social sciences; the other in STEM . With outstanding faculty members and supportive teaching resources, UM believes that the two bases will broaden the horizons of Macao youth in humanities, social sciences, and science and technology, facilitating the delivery of whole-person education from an early age. 作為澳門的公立大學,澳門大學未來的首要任務是繼續加大力度培養具有多元和創新思維的人才,全力配合澳門未來經濟社會 發展的需求,以及澳門特區政府青年培養人才發展的戰略。有見及此,澳大成立“澳門中小學生人文社科教育基地”及“澳門 中小學生科技實踐基地”,透過優秀的師資隊伍及豐富的教學資源,及早開拓澳門青少年在人文、社科、科技的創新視野,使 他們從小就得到全方位發展。 中小學生文理基地 培育未來多元人才 Macao Bases for Primary and Secondary Education in Humanities and Science Nurture Future Leaders and Well-rounded Talents 文 Chinese & English|余偉業 Kelvin U 圖 Photo|何杰平、蔡俊祥,部分由受訪者提供 Jack Ho, Hasen Cai, with some provided by the interview 澳大成立“澳門中小學生人文社科教育基地”及“澳門中小學生科技實踐基地 UM inaugurates two Macao bases for primary and secondary education, one in humanities and social sciences, and the other in STEM. 專題探討 FEATURE STORY umagazine issue 19 22