
重視中小學生文理培育 “澳門中小學生人文社科教育基地”由澳大主導, 澳門基金會、澳門教育暨青年局、澳門中華教育會 及澳門天主教學校聯會參與共同建設,由澳大的中 國歷史文化中心、孔子學院、中葡雙語教學暨培訓 中心及澳門研究中心組成。而“澳門中小學生科技 實踐基地”以澳大科學暨工程推廣中心為核心,將 推出一系列STEM1教育計劃,支持社區科學推廣活 動,為中小學師生提供可持續培訓。澳大兩基地將 與澳門的教育機構及中小學合作,推出一系列培訓 計劃及教學活動,鼓勵青年學子擴寬自身視野,推 動澳門在人文、語言、社科、科普教育的發展,為 澳門、大灣區多元人才的培養打下堅實的基礎。 發揮人文、中葡雙語優勢 在人文教育方面,澳大中葡雙語教學暨培訓中心與 澳大孔子學院通力合作,開拓適合中小學師生的培訓 課程和活動。人文學院兼孔子學院院長靳洪剛教授 說:“人才培養最核心的部分,就是對人本質的瞭 解、對社會的瞭解、對人類發展規律的瞭解,這也是 Addressing the Learning Needs of Students Initiated by UM and jointly established with Macao Foundation, the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau of Macao (DSEJ), the Chinese Educators Association of Macau (CEAM), and Macao Catholic Schools Association (MCSA), the Macao Base for Primary and Secondary Education in Humanities and Social Sciences is comprised of UM’s Centre for Chinese History and Culture (CCHC), the Confucius Institute, the Chinese-Portuguese Bilingual Teaching and Training Centre, and the Centre for Macau Studies (CMS). Meanwhile, with the Centre for Science and Engineering Promotion (CSEP) as the core component, the Macao Base for Primary and Secondary STEM Education will support science promotion in Macao and provide continuous training for local teachers and students. The two bases will collaborate with Macao’s educational institutions and primary and secondary schools to launch a series of training programmes and teaching activities to enhance education in humanities, languages, social sciences and STEM, laying a solid foundation for nurturing talent for the future of Macao and the Greater Bay Area. Enhancing Humanities and Chinese-Portuguese Bilingual Education With respect to humanities education, the Confucius Institute and the Chinese-Portuguese Bilingual Teaching and Training Centre at UM will 1 STEM是科學(Science)、技術(Technology)、工程(Engineering)及數學( Mathematics)四個學科的首字母縮略字 1STEM is an acronym for the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. umagazine issue 19 23