
整個人文社科的教育體系的目的。只有透過不同方 面瞭解人類,才能使人成為人才,繼而進一步創新創 業,為人類的生命共同體做出貢獻。”靳教授指出, 中葡雙語中心和孔子學院通過各種渠道,為中小學師 生提供學習人類語言、文化、文學、哲學倫理道德的 機會,讓學生從小就得到全人教育的發展。 為配合特區政府實現“一中心、一平台”的發展目 標,澳大在不同層面推動中葡雙語人才的培養;其 中,培訓葡語專業教師為人文社科基地的重點項目之 一。因此,中葡雙語中心與教育暨青年局語言推廣中 心合作,開辦了一系列培訓澳門中小學教師(母語 為中文)的葡語進修課程;同時,也設立葡語為第二 語言教學碩士專業,供從事葡語教學相關工作的人士 報讀;還召開了葡語教學國際研討會,吸引來自葡萄 牙、巴西、莫桑比克、美國、意大利、內地、香港和 澳門的專家學者參與,在多學科視野下探討葡萄牙語 作為第二語言的教學工作,剖析如何根據學生的需要 和特點,尋找適合他們學習葡語的教學方法。另外, 孔子學院向母語非為漢語的居民、外地僱員、留學生 等提供國際漢語課程,以融合中葡語言的元素作為定 位,從語言學的角度推廣特有的文化互通。 弘揚中華歷史文化 為提高澳門青少年對中華傳統文化的認知,澳大中 國歷史文化中心先後開展多項活動,向廣大中小學 生展示中華文明的博大精深。該中心先和中華學生 聯合總會合作,與培正中學、海星中學、浸信中學 和菜農子弟學校簽訂協議,共建中國歷史文化推廣 基地;再走進澳門各中小學校,舉辦了30多場“ 中國歷史文化名師名校系列講座"。該中心更首次 work closely together to develop training courses and activities suitable for primary and secondary school teachers and students. Prof Hong Gang Jin, dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities (FAH) and director of the Confucius Institute, says that ‘The key to cultivating leadership and nurturing talents lies in our understanding of the nature of human beings, of how our society works, and of the laws that govern human development. That is exactly the purpose of the entire educational system of humanities and social sciences. Only through understanding human beings in different aspects can a student develop his or her great talent and then innovate and start a business, and ultimately contribute to the community of human life as a whole.’ Prof Jin adds that the centre and the institute will provide opportunities through various channels for primary and secondary school teachers and students to learn languages, cultures, literature, philosophy, ethics and morality, so as to encourage students to start whole-person education that fosters spiritual, intellectual, humane, social and physical development from an early age. In line with the development orientation of ‘One Centre’ and ‘One Platform’ of the SAR government, UM has spared no effort to cultivate Chinese-Portuguese bilingual talents and initiated various projects at different levels. Among them, offering trainings to Portuguese language teachers is one of the key projects of the base. In collaboration with the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau of Macao (DSEJ), the centre has launched a series of training programmes to teachers from primary and secondary schools whose first language is Chinese. Moreover, FAH has launched a Master of Arts in Second Language Acquisition programme for language instructors who teach Portuguese as a second language. At a recent international conference titled ‘Confluences in Portuguese: Linguistics, Literature and Translation,’ organised by FAH, many experts and scholars from Portugal, Brazil, Mozambique, France, Italy, Japan, mainland China, and Macao shared their research findings, experience, and expertise in the area of teaching Portuguese as a second language. Prof Jin notes that such a regular conference has been an important 靳洪剛教授 Prof Hong Gang Jin 澳大為高中生辦全澳首個“澳門與中華文明證書課程” UM offers the first certificate course in Macao and Chinese civilisation for all high school students in Macao 專題探討 FEATURE STORY umagazine issue 19 24