
郝雨凡教授 Prof Hao Yufan 以規範化的社會科學調查方法,獲取“澳門中小學 生國家歷史文化認知指數”,填補了就澳門青少年 對國家以及澳門歷史文化認知的科學測量的空白。 另外,還創辦首份《澳門少年報》,以通俗易懂的 語言,介紹中國歷史文化和國家新面貌,至今已出 版三期。同時,也顧及澳門葡文、英文學校母語非 漢語的學生的學習需要,該中心以葡文、英文編 撰中國歷史文化兒童讀物,推出首部漫畫《女媧補 天》,述說趣味盎然的中國傳奇故事。這些創舉均 得到澳門中小學師生的良好迴響。 中國歷史文化中心主任郝雨凡教授說:“澳大擁有 國際化的優秀師資隊伍,除了做好相關學科的研究 外,也應當對澳門年輕一代傳承中華文化起到一些作 用。”該中心將向澳門中小學師資隊伍提供系統性的 培訓,如今年首屆開辦的“中國歷史文化碩士學位課 程”;同時,該中心與清華大學(北京)合作,開 設“中國歷史文化導師培訓項目”,結業學員將獲清 華大學相關證書。郝教授表示,透過多元的培訓,相 信有助中小教師的教學質量提升。此外,該中心開設 了全澳門首個、面向高中生的“澳門與中華文明證書 課程”,讓他們提前修讀大學課程,領略中華傳統文 化的精髓,還與澳門中華教育會合作,重編“中國文 化基本常識”達標工程讀物,並成為達標工程的長期 合作夥伴。郝教授表示,希望透過人文社科基地的努 力,為澳門青少年親近中國傳統文化,創造優越且寬 鬆的客觀條件,吸引更多年輕子弟在身體力行中自覺 弘揚傳統文化。 professional gathering in the field of Portuguese Studies and Portuguese as a Foreign Language, as it provides a platform for participants to have an in-depth discussion on how to tailor teaching methods to students’ individual needs. Meanwhile, the Confucius Institute provides international Chinese courses to local residents whose native language is not Chinese, foreign employees, and international students. The courses will feature the Sino-Luso cultural and linguistic uniqueness of Macao. Carrying Forward Chinese History and Culture To enhance the awareness of Chinese traditional culture in local youth, the Centre of Chinese History and Culture (CCHC) at UM has initiated a great number of activities for primary and secondary school students to delve into the gem of Chinese civilisation. Earlier this year, CCHC and the General Association of Chinese Students of Macau (GACSM) signed collaboration agreements with four schools in Macao, namely Pui Ching Middle School, Escola Choi Nong Chi Tai, Macau Baptist College, and Escola Catolica Estrela do Mar, for the promotion of Chinese history and culture. CCHC has also held more than 30 public lectures by prominent scholars for primary and secondary school students. To scientifically measure local youth’s perceptions of the status of China and levels of understanding of Chinese history and culture, the centre launched Chinese History and Culture Perceptions Index Survey for Primary and Secondary School Students in Macao for the first time. Furthermore, the initial three issues of Macau Juveniles, a periodical publication launched by CCHC, introduce students to Chinese history and culture and new developments in the country in plain language. Meanwhile, taking into account the learning needs of students from local Portuguese and English schools whose native language is not Chinese, CCHC compiles children's books that introduce intriguing Chinese folktales, fables and stories in Portuguese and English. So far the feedback from the schools about these pioneering projects has been positive. Prof Hao Yufan, director of the CCHC, says that the university has an excellent international faculty and staff. Apart from doing well in research, they ought to play a role in transmitting Chinese culture to younger generations in Macao. In view of this, CCHC organises systematic training of 中葡雙語中心和孔子學院通過各種學習,讓學生從小 得到全人教育的發展。 The Chinese-Portuguese Bilingual Teaching and Training Centre and the Confucius Institute help students achieve well-rounded development umagazine issue 19 25