
The general education course in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), which is taught by Prof Chen Xin, deputy director of the Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences (ICMS), and his ICMS colleagues, has been very popular with the students since it was launched in the 2017/2018 academic year, as the knowledge acquired from the course can be easily applied in everyday life. 每當講授穴位時,他會先介紹穴位及其功能,然後會在自己身上展示,教學生怎樣找到穴位的正確位置,並播放教學影片,強 化大家對該穴位的認識;他還會向學生展示針灸使用的針具模型和艾灸條,一起討論不同類型的針該應用於哪一個穴位……這 是中華醫藥研究院副院長陳新教授和兩位老師於2017/2018學年首度開設的“中醫藥探秘”通識課程,這種將知識與生活結合的 課程很受學生歡迎。 中醫藥通識課 知識與生活結合 GE Course in TCM Teaches Knowledge with Everyday Applications 文 Chinese│庄瑜婷、校園記者陸美賢 Cravina Chong, UM Reporter Savanna Lok 翻譯 Translation│陳靜 Ruby Chen 圖 Photo│何杰平 Jack Ho 陳新教授指導學生運用穴位保健,例如按壓內關穴助舒緩學習壓力。 Prof Chen Xin teaches students the health benefits of acupuncture. For instance, massaging the Neiguan acupuncture point can help relieve stress from studying. 專題探討 FEATURE STORY umagazine issue 19 28