
認識中醫傳統文化 陳新教授來自九代中醫家族、擁有中醫學博士和免 疫學博士雙學位以及美國馬里蘭州執業針灸醫師資 格,2014年來澳大前在美國國家腫瘤研究所長期 從事研究工作,並在美國國家衛生研究院(NIH) 研究生院講授中醫藥及針灸課程達10年之久,在 教學上具有豐富經驗。目前主要帶領研究團隊展開 中藥的免疫藥理學、免疫生物學和轉化醫學三個領 域的研究 。 曾在美國工作和生活16年,陳教授有感澳門和內 地的學生對中醫藥和針灸方面的瞭解並不足夠,“ 中醫針灸在中國流傳到西方,但現時在美國更普 遍,因此我希望開辦這門中醫通識課,讓澳大學生 認識中醫的歷史、現狀以及走向國際的一些趨勢, 以及幫助學生瞭解中醫藥現代化及其在現代醫療保 健體系中的作用等。”他也希望學生能夠將課堂上 學到的一些中醫藥知識,運用在日常生活當中。例 如,讓學生瞭解中醫藥防病治病的優勢所在,幫助 自己和家人正確選擇中醫藥治療。 課程生活化吸引學生 陳教授的班上有來自全校各個學院的學生,其中以 人文社科的學生最多,佔全體人數的六成。“學生 來自不同背景,要他們理解博大精深的中醫理論是 一件困難的工作。”因此,陳教授在課堂上運用大 量影片、實物展示及介紹歷史上著名中醫事跡的形 式去授課,以吸引學生的興趣。 Introducing Students to TCM Prof Chen comes from a family which has practiced Chinese medicine for nine generations. With a PhD degree in Chinese medical sciences and another PhD degree in immunology, he was a licensed acupuncturist in the State of Maryland, United States. Before joining UM in 2014, he was a visiting fellow in the US National Cancer Institute and taught courses in Chinese medical sciences and acupuncture at the graduate school of the US National Institutes of Health for ten years. His research team is currently working on projects in three areas, namely immunopharmacology, immunobiology, and translational medicine. Having worked and lived in the US for 16 years, Prof Chen is acutely aware of the relative lack of knowledge about TCM among students in Macao and mainland China. He says, ‘Acupuncture originated in China, but it is now more commonly practiced in the US, so I hope this GE course will help UM students understand the past, present, and future of TCM, as well as its modernisation and role in the modern medical healthcare system. I also hope students will apply the knowledge learned from this course in their daily life. For instance, after completing the course, they should know the advantages of treating disease with TCM and how to choose the correct medicines for themselves and their family members.’ Knowledge with Everyday Applications Is a Draw for Students The students in Prof Chen’s class come from different faculties, with 60 per cent of them specialising in humanities or social sciences. Since teaching the profound theories of TCM to students from diverse backgrounds is quite challenging, Prof Chen uses a lot of videos and physical aids in class and livens up his lectures by telling stories about famous Chinese medicine doctors in history. 陳新教授利用人體模型讓學生記住人體的穴位 Prof Chen Xin uses a model of the human body to help students memorise the locations of the acupuncture points 陳新教授收藏的古時中醫使用的醫針 Prof Chen Xin’s collection of medical needles used by Chinese medicine doctors in ancient China umagazine issue 19 29