
在陳教授的課堂上,每當講授穴位時他會先介紹穴 位及其功能,然後會在自己身上展示,教學生怎樣 找到穴位的正確位置,並且播放教學影片,強化大 家對該穴位的認識。他還會向學生展示針灸用的針 具模型和艾灸條,一起討論不同類型的針該應用於 哪一個穴位。胡鸝藻有感“雖然是通識課,但老師 通過這種方式讓所有同學都參與進來,我覺得很 棒。”長期受過敏性鼻炎折磨的她提到,學習後得 知按壓鼻翼兩旁的迎香穴能夠有效改善鼻塞的問 題,有助她舒緩症狀,“這門課最大受益就是能學 以致用。” 推廣中醫藥 走向世界 隨著粵港澳大灣區建設及“一帶一路”開放合 作倡議的實施,澳門中醫藥發展迎來了新的機 遇。2017年6月,澳門成為全球六個中醫針灸傳承 基地之一,對本地中醫藥發展起了重要推動作用。 今年暑假,陳教授應邀到中國藥科大學,以英語為 該校及南京其他大學的88名學生開辦國際公開課, 講授中醫藥及針灸,“中醫要走向國際化,能使用 英語和學術界及病人交流是關鍵之一。”他認為, 澳門是中葡文化交融的地方,具有先天的社會、文 化及語言優勢,有利把澳門打造成葡語系國家的中 醫、中藥、針灸技術交流發展平台,成為中醫藥走 向歐盟和世界的一個重要窗戶。” 陳教授和同事們計劃在未來的教學中加入更多元化 的內容,除了教授一些傳統的中醫理論和知識外, 還會探討現代中醫藥的發展方向和研究,如中醫藥 國際化進程以及如何通過中華醫學來尋找新的藥物 或治療方法。 Hu joined Prof Chen’s summer research team after completing the GE course, serving as a helper in the laboratory, where she experienced cross-disciplinary learning. She says Prof Chen is funny, humorous, and approachable in class, which is completely different from his serious demeanour in the laboratory. She recalls, ‘The part the students love the most about the course is when Prof Chen teaches us how to massage the acupuncture points. It would instantly liven up the class, because it means we could try on ourselves.’ When teaching acupuncture, Prof Chen first explains the different acupuncture points and their functions. He then demonstrates the techniques on his body, showing students how to find the correct locations. This is usually followed by an instructional video to enhance students’ understanding. He also demonstrates the needles for acupuncture and the moxa sticks for moxibustion, and invites the students to discuss which needles are appropriate for which acupuncture points. A sufferer of allergic rhinitis, Hu has learned from the course that massaging the Yingxiang acupuncture points on both sides of the nose can effectively improve nasal congestion. ‘The greatest benefit of attending this course is that you can apply the knowledge in daily life,’ she says. Going Global China’s strategy for developing the Guangdong-Hong KongMacao Greater Bay Area and the Belt and Road Initiative spell new opportunities for the development of Chinese medical sciences in Macao. In June 2017, Macao became one of the world’s six acupuncture training centres, injecting a fresh impetus in the field. During this summer holiday, Prof Chen was invited by China Pharmaceutical University (CPU) to teach an international open course in TCM and acupuncture in English for 88 students from CPU and other universities in Nanjing. ‘For TCM to go global, it is important to be able to communicate with academia and patients in English,’ he says. ‘Macao is a mix of Chinese and Portuguese cultures, with innate social, cultural, and linguistic advantages. These advantages create favourable conditions for developing Macao into a platform for sharing and developing knowledge about TCM, including acupuncture techniques, among Portuguese-speaking countries. Macao can very well serve as a window through which we promote TCM to the European Union and the rest of the world. ’ Prof Chen and his colleagues plan to make the course more diverse. Apart from traditional theories and knowledge of TCM, the course will also incorporate new topics, such as the future and the internationalisation of TCM, and the development of new TCM-based drugs and treatment therapies. 胡鸝藻 Lily Hu 短片:澳大教授開通識課傳授中醫藥知識 Video: UM Professor Teaches GE Course in Traditional Chinese Medicine umagazine issue 19 31