
Today’s law students are tomorrow’s guardians of justice. How should the university prepare law students to fulfil their mission upon graduation? This is a question that Shui Bing, a veteran law professor at the University of Macau (UM), has sought to answer throughout his teaching career. Prof Shui believes in using a question-oriented approach to guide students to discover the joy of thinking and the power of logical reasoning. Because of his dedication and outstanding performance, he received the Teaching Excellence Award from UM in 2018. 澳門大學法學院副教授稅兵從事法律教學多年,致力於縮短法學院和法院之間的距離,在課堂上激發學生們的學習熱情,更希望學 生離開課堂後能成為法律的守護者。他認為學生除了要學會從問題發掘思考的樂趣外,更重要的是掌握說理的力量。對稅教授來 說,對學生的未來職業生涯負責是他的堅持,而正正是這份信念以及在教學上的傑出表現,讓他獲得了2018年澳大卓越教學獎。 對學生的職業生涯負責 法學院稅兵教授 Preparing Students for Future Careers Faculty of Law Professor Shui Bing 文 Chinese│林祖兒 Judite Lam 翻譯 Translation│陳靜 Ruby Chen 圖 Photo│黃詠豪、部分由受訪者提供 Fernando Wong, with some provided by the interviewee 稅兵教授在教學和研究上勇於創新 Prof Shui Bing dares to innovate in teaching and research 人物專訪 INTERVIEW umagazine issue 19 32