
離開課堂後更愛法律 稅兵曾當過執業律師和企業高管,創辦過律師事務 所,還曾掛職擔任法院副院長,擁有豐富法律實務工 作經驗。對於學習法律,他形容是先結婚後戀愛的 關係,就是先選了學習法律才明白法律有趣之處。“ 我是在學習法律的過程中慢慢喜歡上法律。有些人可 能會認為學法律枯燥乏味,其實法律是一門有趣的專 業,學生在學習時要不斷思考,享受思考,這過程就 是一種樂趣。”他在課堂上經常強調:思考的過程比 答案的本身更為重要,“我最怕學生缺乏獨立思考, 人云亦云。法律問題需要從不同的角度來分析,未必 有唯一正確的答案”。 稅教授於2013年來到澳大任教,之前曾任南京大學法 學院教授、博士生導師,兼任南京大學—霍普金斯大 學中美文化中心教授。他在2012年入選“中華人民共 和國教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計劃”,並獲得“江 蘇省第三屆十大中青年法學家”等學術獎項。 他經常提醒自己,一定要讓每一個熱愛法律的學 生,在走出自己的課堂後更愛法律,“法律從來不 是死記硬背,是要明白一些平常沒有注意到的問 題,並通過思考去瞭解法律條文背後的精神和原 則,從中體會思考的樂趣。教師要幫助學生懂得圍 繞理據說話,要做到言之有據,論之有理。” 稅教授年輕時第一次當辯護律師經歷敗訴,讓他汲 取很好的教訓。他說:“我事前做足準備,但仍敗 訴。我事後檢討時明白到,律師出庭不是去參加辯 論賽,不是去法庭上展現你的犀利口才,更重要的 Leaving the Classroom with a Greater Passion for Law A one-time attorney, corporate senior executive, founder of a law firm, and vice president of a local court, Prof Shui has a wealth of legal experience under his belt. But his romance with law was not love at first sight, but rather, to use his own words, ‘love after marriage’. ‘It was only after I started studying law that I came to appreciate the fun of it and slowly fell in love with it,’ he says. ‘Some people think law is a boring subject, but it’s not. It can be tremendously fun, as long as you learn to enjoy thinking.’ In class, he often stresses that the process of thinking is more important than the answer itself. To him, a cardinal sin in studying law is parroting what others say without thinking independently. ‘Legal issues need to be analysed from different angles, and there may not necessarily be only one correct answer,’ he says. Before joining UM in 2013, Prof Shui was a professor in law and doctoral advisor at the Law School of Nanjing University, with a concurrent position as a professor at Nanjing University-Johns Hopkins University Centre. In 2012, he was selected as one of the outstanding university scholars 博士畢業照 A PhD graduation photo 辦公室裡掛著稅兵教授的卓越教學獎狀、與兒子的生活 照以及自勉的格言。 The wall of Prof Shui Bing’s office displays the certificate of the Teaching Excellence Award, pictures of him with his son, and one of his favorite adages. umagazine issue 19 33