
書院議庭是稅兵教授的創新嘗試 The College Court is an innovative attempt by Prof Shui Bing to receive funding under a programme of the Ministry of Education. In 2013, he was named one of the Ten Outstanding Young Jurists in Jiangsu Province. Prof Shui has a secret ambition—he hopes his students will develop a greater passion for law after completing his courses. To him, law is never about rote learning; it is about experiencing the joy of thinking by paying attention to issues one usually overlooks and understanding the spirit and principles behind a law. ‘As law professors, we must teach the students how to construct compelling arguments to support their views,’ he says. But as he learned from his first experience acting as a defense attorney, having a silver tongue is not enough. That time, despite thorough preparation, he lost the case. In retrospect, he realised that representing a client in court is not the same as participating in a debate competition. So he often tells his students, ‘You don’t appear in court to show off your silver tongue. You are there to calmly present your arguments in a way that respects the audience, the opposing counsel, the judge, and both litigants.’ Improving Learning Outcomes by Simulating Real-life Scenarios How to better prepare students for the competitive job market in Macao is an issue constantly on Prof Shui’s mind. As a programme coordinator, he not only adopts innovative teaching methods to liven up his classes, but also organises the College Court with one of the residential colleges at UM in order to extend teaching beyond the classroom. 是要掌握說理的力量,尊重庭上的聽眾、對方律 師、法官和當事人,用平和的心態陳述觀點,要展 示法律人的氣度。” 課堂學習緊貼現實 如何提升學生在澳門法律市場上的競爭力,一直是 稅教授思量的課題。作為課程主任的他,除了在課 堂上引進創新的方法帶動學生外,更突破常規聯同 書院舉辦“書院議庭”,將法律課堂帶到課室外, 讓學生實踐所學,真實地感受法庭上雙方答辯和審 判的過程。 “書院議庭”的構想源於稅教授的一次課堂調查。 新學期伊始,他常常讓同學們在紙條上回答,自己 想從這門課程學到甚麼?有位同學曾寫道,希望老 師教會他怎樣和別人討論法律問題的時候不會令對 方打瞌睡。這觸動他思考如何把課堂學習更緊貼 現實,他說:“書院議庭是一次社會仿真的教學改 革,讓學生體驗真實世界中的情境,邀請書院的師 生作為市民代表,聽取自己闡述法律意見。" 人物專訪 INTERVIEW umagazine issue 19 34