
important knowledge in a given discipline. He says, ‘For instance, when I teach contract law, I don’t just talk about things that interest me. I teach students what I think is the most important knowledge to make sure they won’t feel at a loss in their future careers. Secondly, I adjust my teaching methods according to the characteristics of different courses.’ Prof Shui considers critical thinking skills to be of extreme importance, so he designs his courses in such a way as to make sure that training of these skills is present throughout the teaching process. ‘It’s like leading students into a forest of knowledge and then leading them out. After we walk them through it once, they will know how to navigate it by themselves in the future without getting lost. They will know how to analyse and find the patterns behind legal relations and how to develop counter strategies,’ he says. Developing Textbooks that Explain Complex Concepts in Simple Language Currently, Prof Shui is writing a textbook on the civil law of Macao, which he hopes will help students learn the laws of Macao in a more systematic and precise manner. He has completed data collection. Next, he will analyse and interpret the data and select some for inclusion in the book. He hopes to produce a book that not only combines legal provisions, theories, and case studies, but also explains complex concepts in plain language so it can better serve the needs of Macao society. Law is widely perceived as an instrument for resolving disputes and serving justice in society. While Prof Shui agrees with this view, he doesn’t think it completely captures the value of law. He points out that law can fulfill various other social functions, such as promoting economic growth and protecting the environment. Indeed, in a time where there are many interests to serve, legal professionals have a huge responsibility on their shoulders. 稅教授描述上課的過程就像是帶著學生走一遍知識 的森林,“當老師帶著學生穿越森林後,學生就知 道如何面對未來,知道怎麼去分析和去尋找法律關 係、法律背後的規則以及怎麼去尋找應對策略。” 深入淺出編寫教材 稅教授正在撰寫一本關於澳門民法的教材,幫助學 生更有系統和精準地學習澳門法律。他表示:“前 期的工作都做好了,之後則需要把收集的資料進行 分析、解讀以及編選內容,我想把法律條文、理論 學說和司法案例結合起來,用直白易懂的文字表達 出來,更切實地服務澳門社會。" 很多人認為法律的任務就是實現正義,稅教授認同 這想法,但他認為這不是法律價值的全部,“法律 是社會正義的底線。除了定紛止爭,法律還可以承 擔更多社會功能,例如在促進經濟發展的同時,透 過法律去保護環境,守護青山綠水。在這個利益訴 求多樣化的時代,法律人肩上的責任是重大的。" 2013年在內地掛職任法院副院長 In 2013, Prof Shui Bing took up the position as the vice president of a court in mainland China. 人物專訪 INTERVIEW umagazine issue 19 36