
澳大近年成立多個研究中心,包括澳門研究中心、中 國歷史文化中心、孔子學院等等,給學生提供了更多 的學習歷史的平台,深化學生對中國內地和澳門歷史 文化的研究,推動多元人才的培育。歷史系開設的“ 澳門與中華文明”通識教育課是每一個澳大新生必 修。王教授說:“歷史系跟校內的學術研究中心關係 密切,中心開設的課程也有不少是由歷史系的教授授 課,未來將會合作開辦更多課程,讓學生能從不同角 度和方面認識歷史,助他們深入研究。” 與歷史偶遇 王笛教授出生於四川成都,18歲時下鄉到蘇東坡 的家鄉眉山勞動,然後在鐵路局的磚瓦廠工作,幹 過重體力勞動。因為會畫畫,被調到工會做宣傳工 作。即使當時工作環境十分艱苦,但他對知識的渴 求從沒有停止過。1978年,正在鐵路局工作的王 笛報了高考,他形容當時報考的心情時說:“我當 時喜歡畫畫,但考專業藝術的水平還不夠,最後 選了跟藝術比較接近的文學研究,因此打算讀中文 系。意想不到的是,高考的成績卻是歷史科考得最 好,歷史總分是100分,我考到96分,所以順理成 章報讀了歷史系。” In order to create more channels for students to learn history, UM has established several research centres in recent years, including the Centre for Macau Studies, the Centre for Chinese History and Culture, and the Confucius Institute. These centres help deepen students’ understanding of the history and cultures of mainland China and Macao so they can grow into well-rounded graduates. The general education course in the civilisation of Macao and China, offered by the Department of History, is a compulsory course for all freshmen. Prof Wang explains that the department maintains a close relationship with academic research centres at UM. Many courses offered by these centres are also taught by professors from the department. ‘We plan to collaborate with these centres to launch more courses in the future, in order to help our students understand history from different angles,’ he says. A Serendipitous Encounter with History Born in Chengdu, Sichuan province, Wang was assigned at age 18 to do manual labour in Meishan, the hometown of the Song dynasty poet Su Dongpo. He was later transferred to a brick factory under the local Railway Bureau. His days of hard physical labour finally came to an end when he was again transferred, this time to a publicity position in the Labour Union, because of his painting skills. The poor working conditions did not dampen his enthusiasm for learning. In 1978, while still working in the Railway Bureau, he applied to the national college entrance examination. He loved painting, but he felt he was not good enough to get admitted to an art academy. So he set his eyes on art’s close cousin—literary studies, with the intention of applying to the Chinese department. But as fate would have it, he performed best in the history subject, scoring 96 points out of 100. The rest is, of course, history—he became a history major at Sichuan University. 王笛教授的兩本研究新著 Prof Wang Di’s two new books 人物專訪 INTERVIEW umagazine issue 19 40