
以優異的成績考進四川大學的王笛專攻中國近現代 史,畢業後繼續研究生課程,完成課程後他留校任 助教,兩年後被破格升為副教授,當年他31歲, 是全國歷史系中最年輕的副教授。1991年,他受 美中學術交流委員會青年學者項目邀請,到美國 密歇根大學中國研究中心做訪問學者,然後到約 翰霍普金斯大學完成博士學位。曾任美國得克薩 斯A&M大學歷史系教授,旅美中國歷史學會前會 長。2015年至2018年8月出任澳大歷史系主任。 王教授被學界認為是研究中國城市史和新文化史的 代表性人物,曾獲得美國城市學會最佳著作獎, 擔任英文學術季刊《中國歷史學前沿》(Frontiers of History in China)主編。最新兩部英文著作《 袍哥:1940年代的川西鄉村暴力與秩序》及《茶 館:成都公共生活的衰落與復興》分別由美國史丹 福大學出版社及康乃爾大學出版社出版。兩書為當 代中國歷史及微觀史學提供了寶貴的學術貢獻。兩 本著作研究大量檔案、社會學調查、官方和民間文 獻,對成都平原的秘密組織及當代成都的茶館文化 進行全面的闡述。在同一年、同時在西方最權威的 大學出版社出版兩部歷史學術專著,屬非常罕見。 After completing his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in the modern history of China at Sichuan University, Wang was hired by his alma mater as a teaching assistant. Two years later, at age 31, he became the youngest history scholar in China to be promoted to associate professor. In 1991, he was invited by the Committee on Scholarly Communication with China to serve as a visiting scholar at the University of Michigan’s Kenneth G Lieberthal and Richard H Rogel Center for Chinese Studies and to complete a doctoral degree at The Johns Hopkins University, under a programme for young scholars. Prior to joining UM in 2015, he was a history professor at Texas A&M University and the president of the Chinese Historians in the United States. Between 2015 and August 2018, he served as the head of the Department of History at UM. Prof Wang is recognised as one of the foremost experts on the urban history in China and new cultural history. He is the recipient of the Best Book (Non-North American) Award for 2005 from the Urban History Association in the United States and a co-editor of the English academic quarterly Frontiers of History in China. His two most recent English books, Violence and Order on the Chengdu Plain: The Story of a Secret Brotherhood in Rural China, 1939-1949, and The Teahouse under Socialism: The Decline and Renewal of Public Life in Chengdu, 1950–2000, were published by Stanford University Press and Cornell University Press, respectively. The books make a valuable contribution to existing literature on China’s contemporary history and microhistory. Based on an analysis of a large amount of documents, sociological surveys, and official and unofficial records, the books provide a thorough exploration of a secret society and teahouses in Chengdu. It is very rare for a scholar to have two monographs on history published in the same year by two of the most prestigious university presses in the United States. 茶館是成都人除街頭外最重要的公共場所 The teahouse is the second most important public space in Chengdu, next only to the streets. 王笛教授收藏很多重要歷史文件復印本 Prof Wang Di has collected the photocopies of many important historical records umagazine issue 19 41