
麻將與當代中國城市的日常生活是王笛一直關注的研究課題 The role of mahjong in the everyday life of Chinese cities is an ongoing research interest of Prof Wang Di’s. 看待今天更清晰晣 “我們研究歷史一定要仔細分析資料的信息和追查 它的來龍去脈。作為歷史學家要謹記的是,任何歷 史都帶有主觀性,所以,任何人都不能宣稱他們所 寫的歷史是真實的歷史,我們能做的是陳述我們心 中所理解的歷史。"對自己熱衷的事情,王教授矢 志執著完成,他說:“研究歷史往往就像在過去和 現實的時空中切換和交替,對歷史的看法更深刻, 看待今天就更清晰。" A Clearer Perspective on the Present In Prof Wang’s opinion, it is very important for historians to analyse data and track down their sources. He says, ‘A historian must bear in mind the subjective nature of history. Nobody can declare that the history he wrote is authentic history. The best we can do is present history as we understand it. Studying history is like travelling back and forth between the past and the present. The more you understand history, the more clearly you can see the present.’ 短片:王笛教授暢談學習歷史的樂趣 Video: Prof Wang Di Discusses the Joy of Learning History umagazine issue 19 43