
劉乃華教授是一位充滿正能量的老師 Prof Liu Naihua is a teacher who radiates positive energy 實踐學習區角教學的課室按照不同學習領域規劃學習區角 Classrooms that adopt the Learning Corner Approach are divided into different sections to serve different educational purposes Treating Students as Her Own Children Over the years, Prof Liu has encountered her fair share of career challenges and setbacks, but the thought of leaving the profession has never crossed her mind. Why? She says, ‘two reasons—interest and a sense of mission. I love to hear children talk and see their innocent smiles. I’m touched by their goodness and thoughtfulness. In this complicated world, you can only experience this kind of pure innocence when you are with children.’ Some UM students praise Prof Liu for always smiling and radiating a positive energy, to which she replies, ‘Love, respect, and caring are what every life needs the most. I want to give all three to my students. So I cherish every moment with them, and I try my best to listen and understand their thoughts.’ Appreciating Every Child’s Uniqueness As an early childhood education teacher, Prof Liu cherishes the trust of her students, and she feels a great sense of satisfaction when students share their innermost thoughts with her. ‘I often tell them, forgive those who have hurt you, because that’s the greatest release. Be grateful to those who have helped you, because then you will be blessed. What early childhood education teachers need the most are an eye for beauty and a kind heart. We must appreciate every child’s uniqueness, and patiently wait for them to grow,’ she says. 視學生如自己的孩子 劉乃華教授多年來一直堅持在教育路上的原因很簡 單:“一是興趣使然,二是使命感。我喜歡聽孩子 們的童言童語,看孩子們純真的笑容,欣賞他們的 善良體貼,在這個紛繁複雜的世界裡,唯有在兒童 的天地裡才能感受那份自然與自在。” umagazine issue 19 45