
劉乃華教授常提醒學生謹記老師的使命感 Prof Liu Naihua often reminds students to remember the mission of an educator Studying the Learning Corner Approach In Prof Liu’s opinion, most kindergartens today rely excessively on textbooks. As a consequence, teachers tend to be constrained by textbooks and their curriculum design skills are impaired. To change this situation, five years ago, she started working with a kindergarten in Macao to open a research centre, where they intentionally depart from traditional teaching methods by reducing the number of textbooks and phasing out written exams. This approach is known as the ‘Learning Corner Approach’. Specifically, they devote each learning corner to a different educational function and adopt a multidisciplinary integration approach to cater to children’s interests and satisfy their propensity to touch objects around them with their hands, guiding them to discover and learn through games. In this Learning Corner Approach, teachers use different kinds of music in place of instructions to signal a change of activities and the desired behaviour expected from the children. Each learning corner serves a different educational function. There are art and craft corner, science 作為幼教老師的老師,劉教授表示:“我非常珍惜學 生與我之間的這份信任,他們的分享給我帶來很大的 喜悅。我常常對他們說,原諒傷害我們的人,就是最 大的釋放;感恩幫助我們的人,才能獲得祝福。幼教 老師最需要美麗的眼睛與善良的心,欣賞每一位幼兒 的獨特性,耐心等候他們的茁壯成長。” 劉教授還經常提醒學生進入職場後不要隨波逐流, 時刻謹記作為老師的使命感,尊重每一個生命,愛 護每一個孩子,把愛的種子留在小孩身上。她認為 老師不只是一份工作,而是影響小孩一生的“靈魂 工程師",每當想到這份使命感都會感動落淚。 談及幼兒教育多年來的變化,劉教授表示:“昔日 的幼兒教育,著重小朋友的知識學習及技能訓練。 現今趨勢則著重老師如何引導孩子主動發現,動手 操作的學習態度,培育幼兒的思辨能力,解決問題 的能力及對環境的適應力。因此,我們幼兒教育專 業的研究方向也必須與時俱進。” 學習區角教學的教具均由老師精心設計 The teaching aids in the learning corners are all carefully designed by the teachers 曾有澳大學生稱讚劉教授“永遠笑容滿面,充滿正 能量”,她說:“每一個生命最需要的三個元素是 愛、尊重與關懷,我只是把這三個元素結合在一起 給予學生。所以我很珍惜和學生相處的時間,試著 傾聽並理解他們的想法。” 欣賞每一位幼兒的獨特性 Prof Liu often reminds her students not to follow the crowd after entering the job market; rather, they should always remember an educator’s mission, which is respecting every life, loving every child, and sowing the seed of love in the hearts of the children. She believes that teaching is more than just a job; the teacher is an engineer of the human soul and may have a lifelong influence on children. Commenting on the changes in early childhood education over the years, she says, ‘In the past, early childhood education focused on knowledge acquisition and skill training, while today, the tendency is for teachers to guide students to discover on their own, to practice with their hands, and to develop critical thinking skills, problem-solving skills, and adaptability to new environment. Therefore, research in early childhood education must also reflect this change.’ 人物專訪 INTERVIEW umagazine issue 19 46