
小孩自由選擇操作的教具 Children freely choose the teaching aids they like corner, Chinese corner, intellectual development corner, toy block corner, and so on. Children can freely choose from the physical teaching aids carefully designed by the teachers, and teachers can assess the children’s learning ability with a multifaceted approach. To ensure a more objective assessment, Prof Liu developed an evaluation system in collaboration with the industry. The system uses a high-tech device to record the children’s learning process in order to help teachers and parents better understand children’s learning abilities and interests. According to Prof Liu, the Learning Corner Approach helps students become self-driven learners. She has noticed a great improvement in the reasoning skills, problemsolving skills, judgment, and observational skills in the children who have benefited from this approach. 研究學習區角教學模式 劉教授認為,現時的幼稚園大多數對教科書過度依 賴,容易受到教科書的限制,也會弱化幼兒教師設 計課程的能力。因此,她在五年前與澳門一間幼稚 園合作開設研究基地,致力突破傳統的教學方式, 降低教科書的使用量,並逐漸取消筆試。該研究項 目叫“學習區角教學模式”,以課程統整方式,讓 他們在不同的學習區域接觸不同領域的知識,尊重 幼兒的興趣及滿足他們操作的樂趣,透過遊戲引導 幼兒去發現與學習。 在學習區域內,老師會運用不同的音樂代替指令, 使小孩知道活動的轉換及相應的行為模式。老師按 照不同的功能劃分區角,包括:美勞區、科學區、 語文區、益智區、積木區、裝扮區等。小孩可以自 由選擇老師精心設計的實體教具進行學習,而老師 可以使用多元的方式評估小朋友的學習能力。近幾 年為求幼兒評量更客觀化,劉教授與科技產業共 同研發幼兒學習區評量系統,運用科技記錄幼兒的 學習力,讓老師及家長更理解幼兒的能力及興趣。 學習區角教學模式讓小朋友學習變得更加主動、自 主,她發現這幾年幼兒的思考力、解決問題能力與 判斷力、觀察力等都大大的提升。 劉乃華教授經常到幼稚園觀察小朋友的學習情況 Prof Liu Naihua often visits the kindergarten to observe how children learn umagazine issue 19 47