
教學相長,良性循環 劉教授坦言推行這項研究項目一點也不輕鬆,因為 要把台灣帶來的學習區角教學模式本地化,調整教 學策略。從課室區域劃分到教具櫃的設計都要深入 考量,儘管得到該校校長與幼稚園主任的支持,仍 有部分老師抱著半信半疑或拒絕的心態。她說: “當初推行學習區角教學,很多老師都沒有概念, 也不理解如何實行。我就把當時大三學生上的環境 規劃課程重新調整,用了一個學期訓練我的學生如 何實踐學習區角教學,然後讓這班大學生分組到幼 稚園各級示範,讓幼稚園老師瞭解操作技巧。" 學習區角教學實行第一年,劉教授與她的學生以及 幼稚園老師共同調整教學環境、教學內容及元素。 她回憶道:“第二年我帶另一班受過學習區角教學 的大學生到幼稚園,示範如何把教具與學習主題及 環境作連結,讓幼稚園老師更熟悉學習區角教學的 技巧。如今我的學生會到該幼稚園實習,跟那邊老 師學習區角教學的操作技巧,形成良性循環。" 在聖瑪大肋納學校任教、2017年學前教育專業畢業 的馮嘉寶表示:“劉老師推行的學習區角教學可以 讓小朋友在教具中探索學習,啟發他們的想像力及 創造力。另外,又可以讓幼兒動手操作,發展小手 The Teacher and the Taught Together Create the Learning Prof Liu says it is not easy to promote the Learning Corner Approach, which originated from Taiwan, because of the need to adjust the teaching strategies to suit local circumstances. Meticulous planning is required in the process, from the division of the classroom to the design of the teaching aid cabinet. While she had the support of the school principal and the head of the kindergarten, some kindergarten teachers were dubious and reluctant to try this new approach. She says, ‘When I tried to promote this Learning Corner Approach, many teachers had no idea what it was, much less how to implement it. So I adjusted the environmental planning course for thirdyear undergraduates, and spent one semester teaching my students how to implement this approach, and then I divided them into groups and assigned the different groups to the different grades in the kindergarten to demonstrate to teachers there how to use this approach.’ In the first year of implementing the Learning Corner Approach, Prof Liu worked with her students and kindergarten teachers to adjust the teaching environment and content. She recalls, ‘In the second year, I took some of my students who had learned the approach to the kindergarten to demonstrate how to use teaching aids in a way that suits the environment and the subject of learning, to help teachers there become more familiar with this approach. And now, my students would do internships in the kindergarten to learn the approach from teachers there. This way, a virtuous cycle is created. ’ Fong Ka Pou, a Class of 2017 graduate with a degree in pre-school education, now works as a teacher in St Mary Magdalene School (Escola de Santa Madalena). She says, ‘The Learning Corner Approach advocated by Prof Liu can help children learn with teaching aids, thereby stimulating their imagination and creativity. It also caters to the children’s innate tendency to use their hands to interact with the world. In the process, children get to exercise the muscles in their hands and experience the joy of learning at the same time.’ 小孩自覺收拾教具 Children put the teaching aids back at the end of the class 馮嘉寶校友 UM alumna Fong Ka Pou 人物專訪 INTERVIEW umagazine issue 19 48