
歷史性的時刻: 內地和澳門數學教育正“揚帆出海” An Historic Moment: Mathematical Education Methods from the Mainland and Macao Spread Overseas 時事熱點: 中國基礎教育正“揚帆出海” 近年,全球的媒體興趣和普通民眾都對中國數學 教育投以廣泛關注。2015年8月,由英國廣播公 司策劃拍攝的紀錄片《中國式教育─我們的孩子 足夠堅強嗎》也曾引發中西方教育界熱議。紀錄 片測試顯示,由中方教師教授的學生在數學、中 文、科學三科完勝由英方教師教授的學生,印證 了中式教育的成功,這讓英國社會對中國教育刮 目相看。 撰文 Chinese│孫旭花 Sun Xuhua 翻譯 Translation│陳靜 Ruby Chen Hot News: Chinese Textbooks for Basic Education Launched Overseas In recent years, there has been growing international interest in mathematical education in China, both on the part of the media and ordinary people. The BBC documentary, Are Our Kids Tough Enough? Chinese School, has sparked widespread interest and discussions both in China and in the West. According to the documentary, students taught by Chinese teachers left their British-taught counterparts in the dust when they were tested in maths, Chinese, and science. This seemed to point to an obvious fact, of which the British society had to sit up and take notice — that Chinese education is far more successful than it has been given credit for. 英國廣播公司新聞網頁 BBC’s webpage 學院專欄 FACULTY COLUMN umagazine issue 19 50