
《紐約時報》2017年8月5日報導,英國的學校 正計劃從中國引入一套名為《真實上海數學》 (Real Shanghai Mathematics)的教材,從2018 年1月起,英國的老師可以在日常的數學教學中使 用這套教材(上海一至六年級數學教材英文版,包 括課本、課本練習冊和教學參考書,共計36個品 種),媒體隨之沸騰,中國日報網、參考消息網、 中國新聞網、濟南日報的標題:為提高數學成績 英國採用中國教科書;中國數學教材將現身英國 課堂!西方教育向東看!英國小學生將捧起中國 課本;上海教材“走紅”英國,教改不只是“西 天取經”,英國教育部將在逾八千所小學的數學 科採用中式教學方法等標題消息,引發了社會的 廣泛關注和討論。 的確,英國引進中國數學教材引發了國際效應, 美國、阿聯酋、肯亞和馬來西亞等很多國家也在 積極地與中國方面接觸。中國中小學教材第一次 成系統、大規模進入歐美發達國家的國民教育體 系,確實顯示中國基礎教育正“揚帆出海”。 英國廣播公司2018年1月31日報導稱,特雷莎‧ 梅政府宣佈,在未來兩年內繼續派遣200名英 An article entitled, ‘Britain Turns to Chinese Textbooks to Improve Its Math Scores’, which appeared in the 5 August 2017 edition of the New York Times, mentioned that British schools plan to introduce Real Shanghai Mathematics, a series of 36 textbooks translated directly from Chinese into English. ‘Starting in January, teachers in England will have the option of using Real Shanghai Mathematics,’ said the article. The article caused quite a stir in the Chinese media. Splashed across the front pages of various newspapers were headlines proudly announcing the news: ‘Britain Turns to Chinese Textbooks to Improve Its Maths Scores: Chinese Textbooks to Show Up in British Schools’, ‘Looking to the East for Solution in Education—British Primary Schools to Adopt Chinese Textbooks’, ‘Textbooks from Shanghai All the Rage in Britain’, ‘Role Reversal—End of the West’s Leadership Role in Education Reform’, and ‘British Ministry of Education to Adopt Chinese Maths Textbooks in Over 8,000 Primary Schools’. Actually, this fervour for Chinese textbooks has spilled over into many other countries, including the United States, the United Arab Emirates, Kenya, and Malaysia. Representatives from each of these countries have approached China to express the intention of introducing Chinese textbooks into schools. It is the first time that advanced countries like the UK and the US have used Chinese textbooks for primary and secondary schools in such a systematic and large-scale manner. It shows that the quality of basic education in China has gained increasing recognition from the international community. On 31 January 2018, the BBC announced the Theresa May administration’s plan to send 200 maths teachers to China over the next two years to learn from their Chinese counterparts. A New York Times article commented, ‘Britain’s shift to the East is a turnaround for a country that has some of the world’s elite universities.’ 國際數學委員會主席Prof. Shigefumi Mori(菲爾茲獲獎者) 代表國際數學委員會致辭 Prof Shigefumi Mori, president of the International Mathematical Union (IMU) and recipient of the Fields Medal,gives a speech on behalf of the IMU 作者孫旭花為澳門大學教育學院助理教授,數學教育方向。2008年加入 澳大。是《螺旋變式—中國內地數學課程與教學之邏輯》的作者,任第 23屆國際小學數學教育 “數學整數教學” 專題國際統籌委員會主席。 Dr Sun Xuhua, an assistant professor in the Faculty of Education, University of Macau, is a specialist in mathematical education. She joined UM in 2008, and is the author of Spiral Variation: A Hidden Theory to Interpret the Logic to Design Chinese Mathematics Curriculum and Instruction in Mainland China (the book is in Chinese). She was the president of the international coordinating committee for the ICMI Study 23: Primary Mathematics Study on Whole Numbers. umagazine issue 19 51