
國數學老師來華交流學習。《紐約時報》評論 稱:“對於擁有世界一流大學的英國來說,轉而 求助於東方是一種非常大的改變。” 澳門數學教育:初露頭角 歷史上,四百年前利瑪竇來到澳門。利瑪竇和徐 光啟翻譯了《幾何原本》,第一次把西方數學引 入中國數學教育系統,在中國數學教學歷史上, 寫下東西文化交流輝煌的一筆。然而葡萄牙統治 下的澳門基礎教育成績平平。回歸後,國際評比 (PISA)數學成績節節升高,特別是由2009年數學 由第15位升為2015年中國澳門15歲學生之數學素 養得分544分,排名全球第三,從15名一躍躍入 第三名,成為兩岸四地進步最快的地區,迅速騰 飛並引起國際社會的關注。 “一個歷史性的時刻”: 第23屆國際小學數學教 育“數學整數教學”專題國際會議2014年1月在 第 23屆柏林國際數學教育研究委員會ICMI STUDY 23國際代表會議(IPC meeting)上,決定第23屆 國際小學數學教育“數學整數教學”專題研討會 將在澳門大學舉辦。 國際數學教育研究委員會(ICMI)成立於1908 年,是國際公認的世界數學教育權威機構,旨在 提高全球從小學到大學的數學教學質量,在世界 範圍內加強教育研究者,教育政策制定者,數學 教育家和數學教師間的交流和合作,促進數學教 育理論和實踐的均衡發展。自上世紀80年代中 期,已經舉辦了22屆專題研究,每屆研究側重於 數學教育的突出問題研究。該會議是享譽海內外 的最高級別小學數學教育權威會議,世界各地爭 相承辦。 Macao: A Rising Star in Maths Education Over 400 years ago, Matteo Ricci arrived in Macao, where he later translated Euclid's Elements into Chinese in collaboration with the Chinese mathematician Xu Guangqi. This was a brilliant chapter in the history of Sino-Western cultural exchange, as it was the first time a Western maths textbook was introduced into China. But under Portuguese rule, basic education in Macao was nothing to write home about. After Macao’s return to the motherland, scores on the PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) test began to increase steadily. Most notably, Macao’s international ranking in the maths subject jumped from No 15 in 2009 to No 3 in 2015, when 15-year-old students from Macao scored 544 points on the PISA test, the third highest score among all examinees in the world. This made Macao the fastest-improving city among the cross-strait four regions in maths education, and quickly attracted attention from the international community. A Historic Moment: ICMI Study 23: Primary Mathematics Study on Whole Numbers It was decided at the 23rd meeting of the International Program Committee of the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI), held in January 2014, that the ICMI Study 23: Primary Mathematics Study on Whole Numbers, would be held at UM. Founded in 1908, the ICMI is an internationally recognised authority on maths education. It aims to improve the quality of maths education worldwide at all levels (from primary education to university education); to increase communication and collaboration among educators, researchers, policy makers, and maths teachers from around the world; and to promote a balanced development of the theory and practice of contemporary maths education. So far, it has held 22 international conferences, with each conference focused on a specific pressing issue in maths education. The conference is considered the most authoritative conference in the field of primary school maths education and enjoys great renown both at home and abroad. Each year, various countries compete to host it. Maths Education: The Foundation of Science and Technology and Human Civilisation Why, you might wonder, would the UK and other advanced Western countries want to introduce the Chinese way of teaching maths? Because the results of some international tests in recent years indicate that British students lag behind their Shanghai counterparts by three years in terms of maths proficiency, and statistics show that this lacklustre performance in maths education is costing the UK approximately 20 billion pounds a year, accounting for 1.3 per cent of the country’s GPD. In fact, China’s rise as the world’s second largest economy and its rapid progress in science and technology in the past few decades would not have been possible without the support of excellent maths education, for maths is the foundation of all Average Test Results of Chinese- and British-taught Classes Average test results of a Chinese-taught class 中英教育班測試成績 中式教育實驗班成績 Note: The students are primary school students from the UK. The experiment lasted four weeks. 注:學生是英國小學生,實驗時間為4周 67.74 46.88 58.33 54.84 36.46 50.00 Maths Chinese Science 數學 中文 科學 Average test results of a British-taught class 英式教育實驗班成績 中英教育班測試成績 Average test results of a Chinese-taught class and a British-taught class 學院專欄 FACULTY COLUMN umagazine issue 19 52