
science subjects and the quality of maths education determines the quality of scientific and technological developments. There are many reasons why basic education, especially maths education, has become a focus of media attention. But the most important reason is that maths education has become not only the cornerstone of a country’s growth in economy, science, and technology, but also a key measure of national power and, to some extent, the global competitiveness of a country’s economy. Opportunities and Challenges Faced by Mainland China and Macao in Maths Education World university rankings have increasingly trained the spotlight on higher education. This is also true of rankings in basic education. Take the PISA tests in 2009 and 2012 for example. In both tests, the top-scoring student was from Shanghai, a fact that sent shock waves across education circles around the world. There has been some improvement in the quality of basic education in Macao over the past 20 years, partly because Macao has adopted some good practices from mainland China. Unfortunately, many experts in mainland China took the good result for granted. They brushed aside their own experience and success, and blindly followed the lead of the UK and the US. It was not long before they paid the price. In 2015, four Chinese provinces and municipalities participated in the PISA test and ended up at the tenth place. This sobering drop from the top spot served as a wake-up call and taught Chinese educators the importance of knowing their strengths. Maths education in Macao is still in its infancy. I look forward to the day when it will blossom into the pride of Macao residents. 數學教育:科技與社會文明的基礎 讀者不禁要問,為甚麼英國乃至西方基礎教育需 要借鑒中國數學教學模式呢?有調查資料顯示, 落後的數學水準導致英國每年損失約200億英 鎊,佔英國GDP的1.3%。近年來的一些國際測試 還顯示:同等年紀的英國學生,其數學水準落後 上海學生3年)。事實上,近幾十年來中國迅速地 發展成為世界第二經濟體,科技發展十分迅速, 其中與其數學教育有力的支持是分不開,因為數 學是理工農商的學習基礎,數學教育的品質直接 影響科技發展的水準。廣義而言,基礎教育(數 學教育)變成媒體關注的一個重要的一個焦點, 背後原因最主要是數學教育成為經濟和科技發展 一個最重要的基礎,也是國家實力的一個重要的 指標,在一定程度上反映了經濟的國際競爭力! 英國引進的上海數學教材 The maths textbook Britain introduced from Shanghai 第23屆國際小學數學教育“數學整數教學”專題研討會在澳門大學舉辦 ICMI Study 23: Primary Mathematics Study on Whole Numbers was held at UM. 內地和澳門數學教育的機遇和挑戰 眾所周知,大學排名引發了社會對高等教育的關 注,基礎教育的類似排名,也引發了全球的基 礎教育的關注。在2009年和2012年的PISA測試 中,上海學生獲得冠軍,這一結果在當時震驚了 包括英國在內的全球教育界。 近20年來,澳門基礎教育有所提高部分原因是, 借鑒了內地的優良實踐(譬如澳門內師計劃)。 相反,很多內地專家認為這個結果是理所當然 的,既沒有總結自己的經驗,盲目追隨英美國家 的課程方向。2015年,中國四個省市參加PISA測 試,結果變成了第十位。大大的跌宕,這也說明 一個重要的問題:如果不保持清醒頭腦,知己知 彼,還是危機四伏。澳門數學教育剛剛起步,筆 者期望它一個美好的明天。 umagazine issue 19 53