
網絡遊戲及澳門居民的網遊沉溺 Online Gaming and Addiction in Macao 撰文 English│胡文詩、梁建熙 Anise Wu & Karlas Leong 翻譯 Translation│陳靜 Ruby Chen 你喜歡網絡遊戲(網遊)嗎?網遊是全世界最受 歡迎的網絡活動之一,特別深受年輕人的喜愛。 據估計,中國2017年網遊玩家的人數為4.42億, 較2011年上升了36.4%。隨著網遊及其相關產業 的盛行,網遊也不再只是一種娛樂方式。競技遊 戲就是一個很好的例子。2022年亞運會已將競技 遊戲列為官方體育項目。有些地方甚至為這種新 型的體育運動開設了專門的課程和教學機構,例 如香港的電子競技學院和台灣僑光科技大學的電 子競技培訓中心。 人們為甚麼喜歡玩網遊?雖然電競及其他相關產 業蓬勃發展,但我們早前進行的在線問卷調查顯示, 中國人玩網遊的最普遍原因依然是“娛樂”。“抗壓” 和“逃避現實”則位居第二和第三。的確,網遊 不僅好玩,而且讓玩家從心理上暫時忘卻了日常 生活的煩惱和問題。但是這種效果只是暫時的, 而且如果將其作為應對現實生活的唯一方法,會 對玩家的健康造成威脅。我們的問卷調查提供了 實證,網遊玩家中,越是將玩網遊作為逃避現實 的工具,越是容易患上網遊障礙症(IGD),其實 就是一種行為成癮。美國精神醫學學會(APA)在 2013年《精神疾病診斷與統計手冊第五版》中將 這種障礙症歸入有待進一步研究的臨床症狀。所 以,有必要認真審視網遊的潛在心理危害。特別 是,誰更容易患上IGD? IGD對我們的健康有甚麼 威脅?如何才能改變現狀?為了尋找這些問題的 答案,我們的研究團隊通過電話問卷調查訪問了 1,000名澳門居民。 Do you enjoy online gaming? Gaming is one of the most popular online activities in the world, especially among young people. It is estimated that there were 442 million online gamers in China in 2017, an increase of 36.4 per cent when compared to 2011. With such rapid growth in popularity, gaming is no longer mere entertainment. Competitive gaming is a good example; gaming has been included as an officially-recognised sport in the 2022 Asian Games. Specific courses, programmes, and even educational institutions have been established for this new type of sport, such as the eSports Academy in Hong Kong and eSports training center in Overseas Chinese University, Taiwan. Why do people play online games? Despite the flourishing of eSports and other associated businesses, our earlier online survey shows that the most common reason for Chinese people to engage in online gaming is still ‘recreation’. ‘Coping with stress’ and ‘escaping from reality’ are the second and third reasons commonly reported. Indeed, online gaming not only brings fun to gamers but also keeps them psychologically away from daily hassles and problems. This effect, however, can only be temporary and will impose a potential threat to an individual’s wellbeing if gaming is taken as the sole solution for real-life problems. Our survey provides empirical evidence that people with higher general and escape motives for online gaming are more vulnerable to Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD), which is generally regarded as a specific type of behavioural addiction. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) has classified this disorder as a clinical condition for further study in the fifth edition of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) in 2013. Therefore, a careful look at the potential psychological harm of gaming is warranted. In particular, who is more susceptible to IGD? How is IGD threatening to our well-being? And what can we do to improve the situation? Our research team has interviewed 1000 Macao residents via a telephone survey in order to provide insights for these questions. 學院專欄 FACULTY COLUMN umagazine issue 19 54