
IGD的定義 雖然網遊日益盛行,對相關成癮行為及其影響 的認知依然相對有限,因此是否應將IGD定義為 一種心理疾病?在這一點上依然存在較大的爭 議。APA傾向於將其定義為一種非物質相關的障 礙症(亦稱為行為成癮,賭博障礙症是另一個例 子),但尚需更多的實證才能下定論。世界衛生 組織最近在《國際疾病分類標準第11版》中將網 遊障礙症定義為數字遊戲(或電子遊戲)的行為 模式,其特徵是“對遊戲日益喪失控制力,將遊 戲置於優先於其他興趣和日常活動的位置,在出 現負面後果時行為依然持續或者升級”。 這個定義與APA在《精神疾病診斷與統計手冊第五 版》中列出的IGD的九種診斷症狀基本吻合(1) 沉迷網遊,(2)戒斷症狀,(3)出現耐受性, (4)反覆不成功的嘗試減少或戒掉網遊,(5) 對以往的興趣愛好/娛樂失去興趣,(6)知道存在 心理問題依然繼續沉迷,(7)將參與網遊的行為 隱瞞他人,(8)通過網遊調節情緒,(9)網遊 導致對人際關係的負面影響或者機遇的喪失。沉迷 遊戲者通常都會反映有這些症狀,因此研究人員可 以通過這些症狀來對成癮行為作出判斷。 Defining IGD Despite the fact that online gaming has greatly increased in popularity, the knowledge regarding its associated addiction and influence is relatively limited, and hence the controversy of defining IGD a mental illness remains heated. The APA tends to classify it as a type of Non-SubstanceRelated Disorder (also called behavioural addiction, with gambling disorder as another example) but is calling for more empirical evidence before making the final decision. The World Health Organisation has recently defined Gaming Disorder, in the draft 11th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11), as a behavioural pattern of digital-gaming (or video-gaming) that is ‘characterised by impaired control over gaming, increasing priority given to gaming over other activities to the extent that gaming takes precedence over other interests and daily activities, and continuation or escalation of gaming despite the occurrence of negative consequences’. This definition is somehow consistent with nine diagnostic symptoms of IGD listed in the DSM-5 by the APA: (i) preoccupation with online gaming; (ii) withdrawal symptoms; (iii) tolerance development; (iv) repeated failure to reduce or quit online gaming; (v) loss of interest in previous hobbies/entertainment; (vi) continued involvement despite knowledge of psychosocial problems; (vii) deception about online gaming involvement; (viii) mood modification via online gaming; and (xi) risking relationships or opportunities. These symptoms are commonly reported by gaming addicts and thus can be used by researchers, including those in our research team, to screen probable problem gamers. 作者胡文詩是澳門大學心理學系的教授。她的研究領域主要涉及個人及公 眾健康,特別是成癮行為(包括賭博、遊戲、互聯網的使用、過度消費和 物質使用)、器官捐獻、志工,以及長者健康。 The author Anise M S Wu is currently a professor of psychology at the University of Macau. Her main research interest is individual and public health, with focus on addictive behaviours (including gambling, gaming, internet use, excessive spending, and substance use), organ donation, volunteerism, and the well-being of older adults. 作者梁建熙於2017年取得澳門大學心理學學士學位,現時為胡文詩教授擔 當研究助理,並積極為日後學術生涯發展作準備。 The author Karlas K H Leong received his bachelor's degree in psychology from the University of Macau in 2017. He is now a research assistant for Prof Wu Man Sze and is actively preparing himself for his future academic career. umagazine issue 19 55