
宋永華校長 Rector Yonghua Song 651-700 501-550 501-550 443 401-500 351-400 351-400 351-400 THE QS 2016 2017 2018 2019 A New Blueprint for Training Professionals Among institutions of higher learning in Macao, UM is the only one to be included in the university rankings by the Times Higher Education (THE) and Quacquarelli Symonds (QS). It is ranked among the top 400 in the THE World University Rankings 2019. In the QS World University Rankings it will reach No 443 in the upcoming 2019 exercise. Rector Song believes UM is on the threshold of a new era. ‘Proud though we are of UM’s past achievements in both teaching and research, we must build on our accomplishments to continuously improve, optimise, and upgrade ourselves.’ In drawing a blueprint for UM’s future development, Rector Song stresses that providing high-quality undergraduate education is the mission, first and foremost, of an excellent university. He says, ‘We have already embarked on the path of a whole-person education that consists of discipline-specific education, general education, research and internship education, and community and peer education. Our Honours College, residential colleges, and faculties work in concert to create a synergistic effect in educating the students. At the same time, we must strive to improve the quality of postgraduate education.’ He continues, ‘As we are a public university in Macao, it is incumbent on us to redouble our efforts to produce innovative, well-rounded, high-minded, and China-loving graduates. In other words, we want to turn out graduates that will support the social and economic development of Macao, in tandem with the government’s policies for talent development and youth training.’ International Rankings by Subject The programmes UM currently offers cover a wide array of disciplines, with some programmes being ranked among the top in the world. It is among the top 1% in Essential Sciences Indicators (ESI) rankings in five subjects, namely Engineering, Pharmacology & Toxicology, Computer 新育人藍圖 澳大是澳門唯一一所進入THE和QS世界大學排 名的澳門高等院校。澳大在2019年《泰晤士高 等教育》世界大學排名前400。在Quacquarelli Symonds(QS)2019世界大學排名為443位。 宋永華校長表示,今日的澳大,進入了前所未有的 發展時期,“澳大以往在教學和研究領域已做出 了很多值得我們驕傲的成績,未來,我們要繼往 開來,在現有的良好基礎上不斷完善、優化及提 升。”在規劃澳大未來發展藍圖時,宋校長指出提 供高品質的本科生教育是卓越大學的基本使命, “我們已開展優化通識教育、專業教育、研習教育 澳大近年在THE和QS世界大學之排名 UM's Upward Trend in THE & QS Wold Univesiy Rankings (WUR) umagazine issue 19 7