
及社群教育在內的全人教育模式,發揮榮譽學院、 住宿式書院系統與學院的協同育人優勢。與此同 時,採取系列措施提高研究生教育品質。他強調 說:“澳大作為澳門的公立大學,未來的首要任務 是要繼續加大力度培養具備家國情懷並志向遠大, 具有多元和創新思維的人才,全力配合澳門未來經 濟社會發展的需求,及澳門特區政府青年培養和人 才發展戰略,積極發揮大學協同育人的優勢。” 學科進入世界排名 澳大的學科涵蓋廣泛,其中多個學科位處世界前 沿。五大學科領域:工程學、藥理學與毒理學、 計算機科學、臨床醫學及社會科學總論進入基本科 學指標資料庫(ESI)前1%。在語言學科,包括英 語、葡語和中文,以及微電子和中醫藥等領域都具 有良好的優勢。“款待及休閒管理學”世界排名前 50,“語言學”、“心理學”、“工程與科技” 與“計算機科學”排名前200,“法學”與“教育 學”排名前300。 凝聚重點培養人才 在新的辦學願景和目標驅動下,宋永華校長上任 的第一年已積極落實一系列的培養多元和創新人 才的工作,凝聚重點,全力為澳門特區政府培 養中葡雙語、中國歷史文化、數據科學、創新創 業,以及物理、化學及生物科學等方面的人才。 宋校長牽頭引領成立的“澳門中小學生人文社科教 育基地”以及“澳門中小學生科技實踐基地”, Science, Clinical Medicine, and Social Sciences, General. In some disciplines, such as English, Portuguese, Chinese, microelectronics, and Chinese medical sciences, the university enjoys a competitive advantage. In the World University Rankings by Subject, UM is ranked among the top 50 in Hospitality and Leisure Management; in the top 200 in Linguistics, Psychology, Engineering and Technology, and Computer Science; in the top 300 in Law and Education. Identifying Key Areas for Talent Development Driven by a new vision, Rector Song began to implement a series of strategies designed to train innovative, well-rounded graduates during his first year in office, with a clear focus on such areas as Chinese and Portuguese languages, Chinese history and culture, data science, innovation and entrepreneurship, physics, chemistry, and biological sciences. The Macao Base for Primary & Secondary Education in Humanities & Social Sciences, and the Macao Base for Primary & Secondary STEM Education, which were initiated by Rector Song and are comprised of the Confucius Institute, the Chinese-Portuguese Bilingual Teaching and Training Centre, and the Centre for Chinese History and Culture, represent UM’s effort in designing a strategy for a panoramic vision that takes in basic education, higher education, and community resources to prepare itself for a bigger footprint in Macao, a special role in the Greater Bay Area, and a pivot towards the nation and the world. This is a vision that has the full support of the government. Rector Song says, ‘We aim to build a platform and a better learning environment to facilitate the growth of the youth in Macao. The Centre for Chinese History and Culture will launch various programmes, including a master’s degree programme in Chinese history and culture, an instructor programme in Chinese history and culture, and a certificate programme in the civilisation of Macao and China. We hope to produce graduates who have a deep understanding of their motherland and of 工程學 Engineering 藥理學與毒理學 Pharmacology & Toxicology 計算機科學 Computer Science 社會科學總論 Social Sciences, General 臨床醫學 Clinical Medicine 8,616 2,208 1,603 5,677 3,901 澳大進入基本科學指標資料庫(ESI)前1% 的五大學科領域 UM is ranked among the top 1% in ESI in five subjects umagazine issue 19 8 封面故事 COVER STORY