
師資來自十多個國家 The International Composition of the Faculty Team Macao, graduates who have both expertise and integrity.’ He points out that the university has launched the UM Macao Talent Programme which consists of four parts, namely the UM Macao PhD Scholarship Programme, the UM Macao Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme, the UM Macao Distinguished Visiting Scholar Programme, and the UM Macao Fellow Programme. ‘These programmes are our way of repaying society for its support by training high-calibre professionals,’ he says. Creating Innovative People to Meet Future Challenges ‘We shouldn’t just pay lip service to innovation. What does innovation entail? It calls for innovative people,’ says Rector Song. ‘In the area of scientific and technological innovation, UM will continue to train innovative entrepreneurs through the Institute of Collaborative Innovation.’ The Centre for Innovation under the institute will recruit promising teams for business incubation. The centre is committed to providing training and consultation for entrepreneurially-inclined students, and will recommend teams for entrepreneurial competitions in the Greater Bay Area, to better encourage students to contribute to the Greater Bay Area by starting their own businesses. The Centre for Data Science collates and studies data from various sources and its applications in different areas. In view of the growing demand for academic programmes in big data technology, Rector Song says, ‘We plan to launch a master’s degree programme in data science in the 2019/2020 academic year, which will adopt a multidisciplinary approach to the teaching of related technologies. We also plan to offer bachelor of science programmes in applied physics and chemistry, as well as a bachelor’s degree programme in integrated science education. Through these programmes, it is hoped that we can better train local high school teachers of physics, chemistry, and biology, as well as junior high school teachers of integrated science. We want to help the teachers improve their skills in 是澳大從科技和社科結合基礎教育、高等教育、社 團力量以及政府支持的全方位“立足澳門、融入灣 區、面向全國、走向世界”的佈局。宋校長希望“ 培養更多瞭解國家、瞭解澳門、德才兼備的優秀新 一代澳門青年。”澳大還全面推出“澳大濠江人才 計劃”,包括澳大濠江博士生獎學金、澳大濠江博 士後獎學金、澳大濠江傑出訪問學者、澳大濠江學 者,為澳門本地培養更多高端人才,回饋社會。 創新人才迎社會發展 “創新,不是紙上空談,創新靠的是甚麼?靠的 是創新人才!”宋校長說:“在科技創新領域方 面,澳大將繼續透過澳大協同創新研究所培養創 新創業人才。”該研究所轄下的創新中心將繼續 招募入駐及孵化團隊,致力為學生提供創新創業 的培訓機會及相關專業諮詢服務,以及推薦團隊 到灣區內參加創業比賽,促進學生融入灣區及激 發他們參與創新創業的主動性和積極性。數據科 學中心主力進行跨領域的數據研究,引領數據科 學應用於各專業層面。 為進一步回應社會對大數據技術課程的需求,宋 校長說:“澳大正籌備於2019/2020學年開辦數 據科學碩士學位課程,透過跨學科合作教授與大 數據有關的技術。此外,澳大亦計劃開辦應用物 理及化學理學士學位課程和綜合科學教育學士 學位課程,培養本地高中的物理、化學及生物老 師,以及初中的綜合科學老師,並致力提升老師 統籌STEM學科的能力,為澳門培養更多物理、化 學及生物科學的理科專才。” umagazine issue 19 9