
FOCAL STORY • ᴲ㷞⿫ഊ 2019 UMAGAZINE 20 • 澳大ᑓゆ 8 澳㟓៬ࣰ ⠻ㄹⓧˏ́ ㇬̞ ៪࣮ 翻譯ᇤ๼䢬⓺ ܒ ᑜ⾾៪࣮ Ǘ能 ύ⿼Ǎᕐဓ⡁ǘゆ〓䢬ኩዮ̿ 㧙べ≷智 ᄏ䢬ᒴ̿ ๺智能ᇤ⻐中ᕍ㢺研發ⅰゔ 㧋́ ˍ䢬澳㟑ोᢵ נ ᦒᕔ㐛ᑚ㤘ⅰ研 ⑟ǎ1999໛䢬全球首㒲中葡㣊ಞ㏈Ւむ ⁣䢬͝ 㷊㍽ᐑእ成᳤̜ 澳㟑៪࣮ 翻譯研 ⑟ⅰⓥˍ̿ ǎ₢ᒿ䢬つ㏈Ւˍ዁֦ 䢬ൄ ᕔ 00૦㟠᐀໺㒲㟑۠ᤧ 㟠ͱᜪ〺՛ϓ ⁨ǎǗोᢵ נ 䢬澳㟑ᕔ大㕵ⅰ೗ᑚᐵͪ ᕔྦ 翻譯䢬Π ڱ ᦒᕔͭ ή㍇ͪ Ǎ☲⚕ۙ ㍴ أ 翻譯䢬् ᢪᕔ㣍⾾㟘ൠ⇀㠙㦕↷ⅰ 研發ǎǘ200 ໛䢬ᒿͭ 葡⭉Ḧ✺ύ⩬ ᯿ğ⳷ᙀሚ࿋〯 ࠏ 澳大䢬ㅖዧ澳大中葡 㢱ゆ翻譯研⑟ⅰ成ᗈ䢬⇀Н研⑟ᕔ أ ዁ ػ 中葡ۡ ତ܎εǎ͌ ૮䢬澳大૦㦕៪࣮ 翻譯研發ຂ大؛዁ ̜ػ 中葡翻譯๺ε䢬 ᕔ أ 中葡⚭㇋ᐵ٨ⅰ̳ྡྷ ǎྷ ᴮ׋ᕔ䢬 ˍְ 㓃ྲ Ϛ˗ᒠ䢬㷊㍽ᐑእゐ䢺Ǘ↷ נ 䢬澳大ຂ᝵ཅ㈭ˍ個㊄ಾ⏲ⅰ研⑟平 台䢬ന᧘ᑜ⦨ᴿゆ〓ⴵύǍ៪࣮ 翻譯Ǎ ៪࣮ ಾ⠗۠ ᐵᕲ዁ᑘ⓺⇀㠙㦦৴研⑟⦾ ☲⚕㟘發ǎǘ The Pioneer of Machine Translation in Macao Developing a machine translation system is in essence a process of teaching the machine to ‘understand’ and ‘contemplate’ language and acquire cognitive intelligence much like humans, which is one of the greatest challenges in the development of artificial intelligence technology. Before Macao’s return to China, research in this area was virtually nonexistent. The gap was filled in 1999 when Prof Wong developed the world’s first Chinese-Portuguese electronic dictionary, making him a pioneer in machine translation research in Macao. Soon after the launch of the e-dictionary, more than 800 government departments and private companies became registered users. ‘Before the handover of Macao’s sovereignty to China, a large number of official documents needed to be translated, but there was no software or system to aid the translation, so the development of the first e-dictionary was driven by a practical need,’ he says. In 2007, during his visit to UM, then Portuguese President José Sócrates praised the university for its achievements in Chinese-Portuguese translation studies, which he believed would promote the friendship and collaboration between China and Portugal. His prediction has come true. The machine translation systems developed by UM over the years have indeed greatly facilitated Sino-Portuguese communication in business and cultural affairs. Prof Wong says, ‘UM has established an interdisciplinary research platform, which is focused on the studies of natural language processing, machine translation, machine learning, and text inference, as well as the development of related systems.’ 澳大 ݶ 中२⏲ಾ㡕⦨ ػ ٨研⑟ᆳ⧀㏅ⅰ⢊܎研〛ᕐ˔䢬㷊 ㍽ᐑእਸ݉ 6. $"5ⅰᕍᑓ研發成ᗈǎ Prof Wong Fai presents the latest progress of UMCAT at a joint seminar co-organised by UM and the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences.