
FOCAL STORY • ᴲ㷞⿫ഊ 2019 UMAGAZINE 20 • 澳大ᑓゆ 14 ⠻ㄹ៬ࣰ ⅲຍ਽ᯄ؝ 澳大/-12$5研⑟॰㡴ॺ201 ໛12ᕓ ዁֦ 6. $"5䢬έॺຂ⚭⮍؛᳤ ᑓˍ͜ 䢨ⓥॉ͜ 䢩6. $"5εᬞҥǎᢴۜ͜ ⦾つ☲⚕研發ⅰᘪۡ 䢬଩͌ ॺ˗ ܒ 㦦৴⛎᏿₠ྎ ǎ͒ мᑹ዁ ػ 澳㟑ᐤ㭓 發ൠ䢬̵ ᇷ㌨大Ტ چ 䢬ۜ ⦾Յঁ 㦦ԯ 全球ⅰͱᜪ䢬଩㠼㕲ຄຄǍⅬༀǍ㫼 〙䢬ᕔⅰ ⦮׼ᜪ₢$&0ǎ㐛ὥᘪۡ ⿇ㄕ☲⚕ⅰ⭵ঁ ϓ⁨䢬࿖ი⦿ଗǎ 2012໛㣊⤾۠ ㇒〙⏲ಾ☲⌄૆ₔᜪ⁣ ⅰ⁰̺ 䢬ₔᜪྭ ॺ/-12$5₢̜ ˍ໛ ⅰ研⑟ أ ύ䢬ۜ ⦾˗ ܒ ⅰ៪࣮ 翻譯研 發ǎǗॺ/-12$5॰㡴⼿䢬ᆒಾ⠗׋̿ ๺智能ᅞ⁨ⅰ๽大ᯂ؛ǎǘ201 ໛͒ 㢹㟘഑㬟ೡ׼⒢ˍᆳॺՅঁ 〺՛ⅰ ⏲ᇤՊ܅䢬˷ᏽ̿ ๺智能ゆ㦆۠ ९Ӎ ᇤ⻐຋਻ǎ6. $"5ε᳤ Ǘ澳㟑⽔ 㐢ǘ⁥ަ 䢬͒ べ᳤ 6. $"5Ցᕔᕲॶ ḿ⨑ ݶ Ԗ ن 䢬ᕅ㕳⾾ᒴᕘ ؿ 葡ゆ☲२ ೮ⅰ᷊ ࠇ 平台䢬Ԗԯ⿼᥼葡⭉ḦゆǍ 英ゆǍ◼ゆǍᓠ㐜っ⓺翻譯㣍⾾ǎǘ ⇎׋澳㟑ᕰϚ翻譯ⅰ຋਻㣍ᥐ䢬⁰̺ ㏧໛ᇮᜪ ؿ ♙ᘽ澳㟑䢬Ǘέᒿᢩ Ѡ៪࣮ 翻譯㏝㐡發ൠⅰᒿ͜ 䢬ᆒຒᕤᇮ៪࣮ 翻譯ⅰ⇀㠙ᇤ⻐ ݶ ⁥ަۣ ߌ 澳㟑۠ 葡ゆ२೮຋਻ǎ۵ૣ 䢬澳大ᒴᆒⅰᣴ ᘪ䢬ຒᕤ㐓㐿㭗ᘪ ݶ ͱᜪ܎ε䢬Ђ㐫 6. $"5ॺՅঁ ຋਻዁֦ ǎǘ́ ᇀ㎇֨ ۵ˍΦ2012໛㣊ಞ ࠇ ㇋⏲ಾ⌄૆ₔ ᜪ⁣ᕋᔧᖣ䢬ॺಾᕧ㟠̏ ㊄ಾ☲⑆ᜲۜ ⦾/-12$5㦕↷研發ⅰ๺ε䢬 ಾ⠗̿ ๺智能ᇤ⻐ǎ201 ໛ᕋᔧᖣ ㌍㌨ⁱǕ㷂⇆ύ๺⏲ᇤくグǖ䢨MIT Technology Review䢩㑢֦ ⅰǗ中 २ ᢱ͞ ˕⏲ᇤ׼ᑓ㤋໛ ̿ ǘ 全球ᕍᡨஔⅰ㤋໛⏲ᇤ׼ᑓ̿ ᆾᝌ 中䢬Google ⢊܎׼ୣ̿ Larry Page ݶ Sergey BrinǍFacebook ׼ୣ̿ Mark Zuckerberg ̵ᕋᝌ˔ᕔ ܓ ǎ͒ ゐ䢺Ǘ⿇׋⦨ກᕋ⚭ۜ ⦾研發ⅰ㦕↷ The Market Potential of Machine Translation Systems The current version of UM-CAT was launched in December 2018, and the team is already working to develop a new generation of the system (G4). UM alumni who have been involved in the development of the system are shining in different professions, some in tech giants like Alibaba, Baidu, and Tencent, while others CEOs of their own businesses, contributing to the development of Macao and the Greater Bay Area. These alumni all feel excited to see the fruit of their labour being finally put to use. UM alumnus Tian Liang worked in the NLP2CT as a research assistant for one year after graduating from the master’s degree programme in computer sciences in 2012. He was involved in the development of various machine translation systems. In the process, he learned the huge potential in the application of artificial intelligence. In 2013, he left the lab and registered a science and technology company in the mainland that is focused on developing AI voice and image technologies. He thinks that as a product made in Macao, UM-CAT has local characteristics and advantages. More importantly, it gives priority to the growing demand in Portuguese-speaking countries for translation services in Portuguese, English, Cantonese, and Mandarin. In recent years, Tian started to concentrate on the Macao market. ‘This is a time when machine translation technology is developing rapidly, I hope to launch the related technologies and products in Macao and Portuguese-speaking countries. Also, UM is my alma mater, I hope to launch UM-CAT on the mainland market through collaboration with the university and companies.’ A Breeding Ground for Tech Talent UM alumnus Zeng Xiaodong, who graduated from the master’s degree programme in e-commerce technology in 2012, was involved in some interdisciplinary projects in the NLP2CT while still studying at UM. In 2018, Zeng entered the 35 Innovators Under 35 China list released by MIT Technology Review. Former honorees on this list include Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey