
ᴲ㷞⿫ഊ • FOCAL STORY 澳大ᑓゆ • 2019 UMAGAZINE 20 15 ࿁໲᮪㐫⭵ঁ 䢬࿖ႌ㤔ຯ㢛㌏䢬6. $"5 ۽ ϓゆ〓˗՜ᒴᬥ㐜ⅰ㢃⍚ǎǘ ᕋᔧᖣྉ೰͒ ॺ/-12$5ಾ׋ⅰ׼ᑓ ᇤ⻐Ǎ׋葡२₢̳ የ⁣ⅰಾ⠗䢬᳤͒ ₔᜪྭ ׼ᜪᇃ˕཯࿖㖁䢬͒͝ ᒛⅫ׋ Ǘ⾾べ⇜⇎ྦ Ǎപ㕳⦨ກⅰ⦿㉋㷞䢬 ˧؝͞ 發ൠǘǎ↷ נ 䢬ᕋᔧᖣॺǗ⸵ ⺄㕷ᕘǘᇤ⻐഑㬟ೡ䢬ന᧘ᑜḳ⢊ ⛆⦾ᑓ㣅߲ ㊄㦦৴♺܎ⅰ׼ᑓᇤ⻐ኼ ♘ǎ͒ ׼㐢̜ 中२首೮ᴮ̿ ໶Ǘ᪎ ࠛހ ǘ䢬഑έǗ ګ ㈨ ͔ګ ǘᑓ㈀ḳᏳ͔ 㭓 㬟ⅰ㠙㛛ᇤ⻐䢬㟘 ̜ࠚ Յঁ ᴮ̿ Ѡೋ ⅰ㣅߲ 大㟑䢬成᳤ ⼕㷂⇆ύ๺⇎ତⅰ ⏲ᇤ׼ᑓ㤋໛發ᒛ೮ǎ͒ იᰚ澳大⏲ ᇤಾ㡕׸ᐑእ㷊㍽ أݶ ύᐑእ ݗ ᦂⅰ ≷ㄤҵእ䢬Ǘ澳大ಾ⠗​੸ⅰ㟘᏿䢬 ᕔ៪ᕐ኿」˗ ܒ २೮ چ ঁݶ ⅰ̿ 䢬㐛ឺ ⅰ㟘᏿ⅰ​੸能૩໓ أ 㞋㐢⚱܎⡈ 㟘᏿ⅰဓ⛁䢬⡈˜ᣵˍΦಾ⁣ ۽ Ỽྲ ⅰᐑಾ㇒ᬚ ۽ ゐᒴ全२ᐨˍᐨ̡ ⅰǎǘ Brin, and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. Zeng says, ‘I’m very excited to see the project in which I was involved finally being put into use. UM-CAT removes language barriers in communication.’ Zeng notes that the innovative technologies he acquired in the NLP2CT and his experience as an exchange student in Portugal provided a powerful boost to his self-confidence when he later decided to start his own business after graduation. He learned from these experiences how important it is to honour one’s passion and pursue a career following that passion. Currently, Zeng is working in Ant Financial’s technology laboratory, where he devotes himself to exploring new technologies based on the Internet of Things that can transform the retail industry. He founded Tao Cafe, the first cashier-less shop in China, which enables customers to leave the shop with their items in hand without needing to head to a register, landing him on the MIT Technology Review’s list. Zeng is grateful to Prof Wong Fai and Dr Chao Sam from FST for their guidance. ‘Studying at UM gave me the opportunity to meet people from different countries and regions. Such an open environment helps cultivate an open mind. In terms of educational resources accessible to every student, UM is arguably one of the best in China,’ he says. ⁰̺ 希望促進UM-CAT在內地市場推出 ᕋᔧᖣ成為被麻省理工看好的科技創新青年發明家 Tian Liang hopes to launch UM-CAT on the mainland market through collaboration Zeng Xiaodong was included in 35 Innovators Under 35 China list by MIT Technology Review