
ന㧋ኼ〛 • TOPIC INSIGHT 澳大ᑓゆ • 2019 UMAGAZINE 20 19 even argue that the earth might run out of indium in a few decades. This is why scientists are already exploring alternative materials to replace indium. Prof Xing is one such pioneer. If successful, his work will substantially improve the luminous efficiency of perovskite LEDs. ‘About 20 per cent of electrical power in the world is used for lighting, so it is very important to develop efficient lighting technology to conserve energy,’ he says. ‘The process of making perovskite solution is simple, less expensive, and highly consistent. Because of the high photoelectric conversion efficiency of perovskite, which is over 20 per cent, close to the peak photoelectric conversion efficiency of other expensive semiconductors, it has become a subject of widespread study worldwide. I believe that the popularisation and commercialisation of this technology in the near future will help us achieve the goal of energy conservation.’ Breaking Multiple World Records Another proud brainchild of IAPME researchers is an innovative super hydrogel. This super hydrogel significantly outperforms regular hydrogel in water absorption, swelling ratio, electrical conductivity, and mechanical properties, and can be used in many fields to meet different needs. IAPME assistant professor ˗ˏ͞ -&%ᇦ⻒ 㡗̜ ˷؛㟘發㖸㖻⍣૯㡩能㣊ᥧૣ 䢬㒃 ᐑእ̏ Ք㧡研發㖸㖻⍣♃◍ᓧ發԰̡ᜲ ┷䢬つ㦕↷⼕ㄿ᳤ Ǘ˕ˍ͜ -&%ᇤ⻐ǘ䢬 ᕔᕤᇮΧ成ᕲǍ​Й㭗ᐅⅰ-&%㧧⍵൛ ݶ -&%԰ᬚອ㐫ᑻຯ⁣᨜中ǎ ↷ בנ 㐢᤾٨㜗-&%ᆳ㣍ⅰ ۆ ᑁǗ㘧ǘ䢬 ᒴ全球Ԝ㕵㤔ຯറⅰ␏➘㕷൰㇒ᬚ䢬՜㐿 ᐨ ڇ ໛ᕔᗏⒷⅰ㧮㢍䢬् ᢪ㖸㖻⍣⓺㕵ಞ 㷞ᖍᑁധᕐ㐔᮪ۨ͜ ҵ⚕-&%ᖍᑁǎ㒃 ㇀๴ᐑእᒴ㖸㖻⍣ॺ發԰研⑟㦦৴ⅰԯ 㬐⡃́ ˍ䢬͒ ⅰ研⑟㐫ˍ᢫大ື ዞ㭗㖸 㖻⍣় -&%ⅰ發԰ᐅἐǎǗ全球☺20 ⅰ㣊能ᒴ⁨Ϛᵦᒛⅰ䢬ᆳ͞ 研發㭗ᐅⅰ ᵦᒛᇤ⻐ഭ╆☺能ᬚ⦮㠙㕳⾾ǎ㖸㖻⍣ᬺᩬ ⅰ⽔ҥ㐿␗ᑹ▐ ࡘ ۞Ͼ೛䢬⁣⁥成 ᕲΧ䢬⡈˜⑖೙လ㭗䢬↷ נ 䢬㖸㖻⍣ⅰ 㣊԰㎠٨ᐅἐຂ⚭㈷㐿20 䢬኿㏧Րೇ ᒏ㇀ ڏ മ㭓ⅰᐅἐ෉Ѡ䢬् ᢪỼ༴᧍研 ⑟⦿㉋ǎॺ˗˽ⅰᕰϚ䢬㐛㦕ᇤ⻐ധᓠ۠ ٨Ǎ ࠇ ᜪ٨䢬㑅׋╆能ⅰ↷ⅰǎǘ ⊶૨㦗ˠ₇☸㙼 ۵ˍ㦕*"1.&ཙ͞ ⦨ㆄⅰ⏲研成ᗈᒴ Ǘᑓ় ㈷♐᥃֖ ⥩ǘ䢬Րܻ 㡁Ǎᬺ ⤝Ǎ മ㣊Ǎ៪ᚕလ能大ື ༀዞ ڌ 䢬能༴᧍ᅞ ⁨ᑜ૦個㦦৴䢬᭶㉘˗ ܒ 㣍ᥐǎㆯㆺつ 研發ⅰ*"1.& أ ύᐑእಲ२ᒧ͍ ♧䢬澳 大研發ⅰ᥃֖ ⥩ܻ ᥃йᐨ㭗㑅⦮1 00 й䢬 ګ 1Աⅰᖍᑁܻ ᥃ྭ ᕐㅊ成1 000 Ա͞ ˔䢬Րܻ ᥃ᬺ ⤝လ能ᒴ↷ נ ˞₅☶ 㙺ⅰ ⦮ й䢬् ᢪ ۽ ѵ成ܻ ᰫ࣮ Ǎ⻖ ⁣ຉǍ് ˗ᰫǍ⻜ᠷ㡗ᰫ⓺ᤧ ⁨⁥ަ 䢬̏ ۽ ২ॺॶૂ 中⁨ε㏍⁰Й᥃Ǎᦘᮓ᦯ ύ䢻 ܒ ᒿ䢬ೇഭᕔ៪⨑♖ⅰܻ 㡁能؛ᒴ ↷ נ ˞₅☶㙺ⅰ2й䢬 ۽ ᏿ᑜᥨ᥃中ܻ 㡁Ր中ⅰᥨᗯḳ䢬᪷ ᮼ᥃ᬚǎ ಲᐑእ⻠⍵䢬㐛ᢋ᥃֖ ⥩ኻ⁨ӯᙀΧ༛ ⅰᓠ㐜᥃᧖ε᳤̳ ⢊ؓ 䢬成ᕲ㑎Χᑜ຋ 㤘⁥ަ ǎ۵ૣ 䢬ॺ؛ಾလ能ᑚ㤘䢬ⁱᑜ ೇ᣹៬⥩ᕅ㍇Ǎो࿀能؛ᕅ཯䢬Ց㭗ཷ လ ݶ ᪾㣓功能䢬 ۽ ⁨ᑜ㣊ಞǍཅ╋Ǎ៪ 㒃㇀๴䢨๻䢩ᒴ㖸㖻⍣ॺ發԰研⑟㦦৴ⅰԯ㬐⡃́ ˍ Xing Guichuan (left) is a pioneer in the development of perovskite solar cells