
TOPIC INSIGHT • ന㧋ኼ〛 2019 UMAGAZINE 20 • 澳大ᑓゆ 20 ᚕ⓺㦦৴ⅰ⛶⻗੾ᖍᑁ䢻ॺ㣊ಾလ能ᑚ 㤘䢬Ր⻠㤘㣊മἐ᳤ ↷ נ ˞₅☶㙺ⅰ й䢬 ۽ εᗰလ㣊ಞ࣮ͪ 䢬଩ᗰလ㣊៪ ḙǍ㣊೰࣮ 㡼⥥⓺䢻ᕍྭ 䢬᥃֖ ⥩ ݶ ⁣ ḳ♠⣜Ց⨏ତⅰ⇀೰လ䢬♠⣜ ۽ ॺՐ中 ೎⟜⧇ൠ䢬⧇㑕ಥ᨜䢬् ᢪᕔᕤ ۽ ㊄㦦 ৴ѵ成៪ᚕလ能Ԗ₠Ǎ⁣ḳ⇀೰လତⅰ ᑓˍ͜ ⁣ḳ㕕ಾ♲❌ᖍᑁǍ̿ 㐢࣮ ೗⓺ ⁥ަ ǎ↷ נ 䢬つᇤ⻐ᢩ ⁳エ˓㦕中२發 ᒛന׈ǎ ע ᦵ⏴ᇦ઎澳㟓Ⓖḉ؝ *"1.&֖ ⡾⮍˗ ܒ 㦦৴ⅰḳύന೮ⅰ智 ᄏ䢬㈨ॺ⏲研ⅰᕍ נ ᦳ䢬̏ ཙ㦦澳㟑ॺ ḳύಾ ݶ ٨ಾಾ⏲ⅰ發ൠǎᬉಞ༏ᐑእ ⻠⍵䢬㐓㐿㟘ൠ૦㦕ᖍᑁ๺␗研⑟䢬˗ ӄ᳤ 澳㟑਋㨱⏲ᇤ̿ ᆾ䢬ᕅᕔᕤ᳤ 澳㟑 ⅰ⁥ᜪ♺᝵ອϚᑓㅊ٨Ǎ᧘Մᑓ ؛ػ ǎ ↷ נ 䢬*"1.&̏ ˷ᏽ㟘發平ᖱ㧧⍵ᖍᑁ ⦾ᇤ⻐䢬⑆ᜲ 研⑟଩ήധǗ ڏ മ㭓⥩㭓 㕵ಞ㷞ǘ䢨▐␲Ǘ㕵ಞ㷞ǘ䢬 ڏ മ㭓♃ ◍ᓧᖍᑁ́ ˍ䢩ⅰလ能發ዺᕍ大Ѡ䢬͞ ᕍᕔᐅⅰᑚཕᇮ㣊ㅊ成԰ǎ ㆯㆺ⇀㠙研⑟ⅰ أ ύᐑእἔ㢱㳣⻠⍵䢬 ⁱᑜ㕵ಞ㡉৴ᐅᅞ䢬ӄ㐜㐿ゞ╆㕵ಞ㷞 ⅰ࿅◥൉ഠ䢬ൄ ͞۽ ഑έ㕵ಞ㷞ⅰ發԰ Sun Guoxing explains that this new hydrogel can absorb up to 13,600 times its own weight in water. In other words, one gram of this hydrogel can absorb over 13,000 grams of water, which is three to four times the water-absorption ability of the most water-absorbent hydrogel ever recorded. Because of its superior water absorption ability, it can be used to make everyday products such as moisture absorbers, sanitary napkins, and diapers; or buried in the soil to retain water for farmland or deserts. Moreover, it can absorb twice as much organic pigment as the current versions of hydrogel. So it can be used to absorb the pollutants in waste water in order to produce clean water. According to Prof Sun, this hydrogel uses inexpensive cement as the cross-linking agent and therefore costs far less than the commercial products currently available on the market. In terms of mechanical properties, it is softer, more resilient, elastic, and shock-absorbent than rubber, which makes it an ideal material for cushions in many fields such as electronics, construction and machinery. In terms of electrical performance, its surface conductivity is five times greater than the highest surface conductivity ever recorded. It can be used to make flexible electronic devices, such as flexible printed circuits and capacitor diaphragms. Finally, hydrogels are highly compatible with biological cells and can provide a perfect environment for cells to live and grow. Therefore they can be used to make next-generation medical tissues or artificial organs, with the dual advantage of superior mechanical performance and high biological compatibility. Three China patents are pending for this technology. Enhancing Macao’s Competitiveness Through Cutting-edge Technology IAPME boasts a group of physicists and chemists who specialise in different fields. Together, they explore the frontiers of scientific research and promote the development of related disciplines in Macao. Prof Tang says that through initiating research studies in materials engineering, not only can the institute nurture science and technology professionals for Macao, but it will also hopefully bring about new changes to the industrial structure of Macao. Another focus of IAPME researchers’ efforts is the development of materials and technologies ಲ२ᒧ研發ⅰǗᑓ় ㈷♐᥃֖ ⥩ǘᢩ ⁳エ˓㦕中२發ᒛ ന׈ Three China patents are pending for this new type of super hydrogel developed by Sun Guoxing