
ኡ̡ ⛁⌔⿫⇎〯ゥḘᣡ Scan the QR code to watch the video interview ന㧋ኼ〛 • TOPIC INSIGHT 澳大ᑓゆ • 2019 UMAGAZINE 20 21 for flat panel displays. They are specifically exploring ways to maximise the performance of semiconductor colloidal quantum dots (‘quantum dots’ for short, one of the semiconductor nanocrystals) and turn electricity into light in the most effective way. Wang Shuangpeng, an assistant professor in the institute who is in charge of related studies, says that because of the quantum confinement effect, the wavelength (colour) of quantum dots can be continuously adjusted from the wavelength of near-infrared light to that of blue-violet light by adjusting the particle size of quantum dots. The colour purity of quantum dots is extremely high, making the colour of the display closer to that of the real world seen through the human eye. In addition, quantum dots consume less luminous energy and therefore cost less, making them a sensible mainstream choice for future displays. ‘Science and technology are the primary productive forces. New display technologies have the potential to spawn a new industry, or even help Macao to seize a new market and enhance its competitiveness,’ says Prof Wang. Revolutionary Nanometre Photothermal Biomaterials The IAPME has also achieved an encouraging breakthrough in the development of nanomaterials for biomedical applications. Prof Tang says that quantum dots can convert light into heat energy, which can not only kill cancer tumours, but also induce innate immune memory in the body. This means that once the cancer is cured through nano-photothermal therapy, it will never recur. It is a revolutionary non-invasive way to activate the body’s immune system to cure cancer. The IAPME is now involved in interdisciplinary, collaborative research projects with the UM Faculty of Health Sciences and Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences. Experiments on mice have produced excellent results. Once successful, the cancer vaccines will produce enormous social benefits and commercial value, as well as revolutionary repercussions in the field. ᧔㟊䢨㧎⨑䢩ྷ ㏧☻ૣ ׋ⳅ♜԰ⅰ㐥 ❼ ۽ ゞǎ㕵ಞ㷞發԰ⅰ⨑ྎ ♊ༀᜲ 㭗䢬 ϓྲ 㧧⍵ₛ㤘ⅰ⨑ྎ݈ έᕅ㇈㏧̿ ⇴ᆳ ⿇́ ⇜഑˞₅ǎ۵ૣ 䢬㕵ಞ㷞發԰⡒能 Χ䢬成ᕲΧ䢬ᒴᕰϚ平ᖱ㧧⍵ᇤ⻐ⅰ˷ ᨢ㑢᎞́ ˍǎǗ ۽ ⿇䢬⏲ᇤᒴⓥˍ⁣⁥ ؛䢬ᑓⅰ㧧⍵ᇤ⻐ᕔ ۽ 能ອ ֦ػ ˍ個ᑓ ⁥ᜪ䢬ᕔ៪ᕐ͞ ᘼ࿖ᇤ⻐έ㦦ᑓ຋਻䢬 ዞ㭗⍹ᕐⒺḇ؛ǎǘ 㤝 ݬ သ♅●Բᶥ⁥ḵᖏᑃ *"1.&研發ⅰ♃◍ᖍᑁॺ⁣ḳ㕕Ⳛⅰᅞ ⁨ᑚ㤘̏ ᕔ̿͝ ᡸ ࡈ ⅰ⑨⊴လ㐫ൠǎᬉ ಞ༏ᐑእ⻠⍵䢬㐜㐿㕵ಞ㷞ᇮ԰ㅊᶣⅰ ᐅᅞ䢬˗ӄӄ能ᕔᐅᣤᢸ⥁℧䢬㕳⾾ⅰ ᒴ䢬⥁℧⚭♃◍԰ᶣᐅᅞ᦯Ⴤྭ 䢬㭓Յ ᕐЙቆ⮍㟊ᕧⅰ⥁℧Գ⃅〤ᅎǎൄ ᒴゐ ᦯ତ㐿ˍᡷ́ྭ 䢬՜̏ ˗ᕐ࿀發ǎ㐛ᒴ ˍ␯㐜㐿ḳύⅰᑚཕᰚ᨜ ػ ḳ㭓Յ⥁℧ Գ⃅☲⚕ⅰ全ᑓ㐗ྯ ǎ ↷ נ 䢬*"1.&ᢩ ݶ Ҁ༏⏲ಾಾ㡕Ǎ中⬷ 㕕Ⳛ研⑟㡕㐫⻋㊄㦦৴܎ε䢬യ㸑 ػ ḳ ഑㬟ຂ⚭ۨྲ̜ 㤔ຯତⅰᐅᗈǎˍᑼ⥁ ℧⃅⩠ⅰ研⽔ۨྲ 成功䢬ധᕐ⁥⁣๽大 ⅰ⍹ᕐᐅᅞ ࠇݶ ᜪӯѠ䢬˧ॺ㐛㦦৴ཙ ㈭㤛 ݪ လⅰ㏼㦏ǎ ἔ㢱㳣⻠⍵䢬ᑓⅰ㧧⍵ᇤ⻐ᕔ ۽ 能ອ ֦ػ ˍ個ᑓ⁥ᜪǎ Wang Shuangpeng thinks new display technologies have the potential to spawn a new industry