
TOPIC INSIGHT • ന㧋ኼ〛 2019 UMAGAZINE 20 • 澳大ᑓゆ 32 ⁥ḵПၔೀ́ ᇀ㣏ᥒ大 ύಾ૆ಾΦ䢨⁣ḳНၒಾ䢩ゔ␗♺܎⁣ ḳಾǍҀ༏⏲ಾǍНၒ 〘ݶ ┰៪⏲ಾ⓺ 㦦৴䢬ᑽॺᐑ⢺ ݶ ਋〠⁣ḳНၒಾ㦦৴ ⅰനᜪ̿ ᆾ䢬㐛̬̿ ᆾധ成᳤ 發ൠ澳 㟑ε᳤ 智ᄏ৪຋ⅰ㕳⾾♲成㒲֯ ǎᢪゔ ␗ⅰₔᜪ⁣能೎全 ͭف 㕕ℼ㦦৴⇀㠙ⅰ ๺ε䢬 ̠ྷ۽ ⁣ḳ㕕ಾǍ⽔Ⳛ ݶ ⁣ḳᇤ ⻐⻋ᜪ䢬଩大ಾǍ⏲研㡕ᆳǍ㕕㡕 ݶ Պ ܅ⅰ研⑟̿ ޹䢬۠͞ ⏲ಾ˷ͭ Ǎ↮┷̿ ޹Ǎ᠝ᗾ޹Ǎ⻋᐀̿ ޹⓺ǎ 澳㟑☃ᬞ㕕ಾᕐᕐ㟊㛤☻⦿㕕⁣቉֦ 䢬 㢋⮍㭗㐜㕵ᫎ໲ᇤ⻐ⅰ發ൠǍ⁣ḳ㕕ಾ 大ᐨᎭⅰ⑆♟۠͞ ૦ಾ⏲ⅰ̳۟ 䢬᳤ ⁣ ḳНၒಾ⻋ᜪⅰ發ൠອϚ̜ ᑓⅰ៪㐹䢬 ˧ധᕐॺ⁣ḳ㕕ಾǍ̿ 㧙Ҁ༏ǍᑓⳚ研 發Ǎ​੸Йㄺ⓺㦦৴ۨྲ 㕳大成ᗈǎྷ ᕔ㠙⁣ḳНၒಾᑚ㤘ⅰൄ ᜪ נ ᓡ研⑟Ǎ ຋਻ゞᗾ۠ ሬ⡽Нၒ⓺ᐨᎭϚ⇎䢬ᴮグ ᒴಾ⻐₅㑮ᒴͱᜪ₅䢬ഭᑜ⁣ḳНၒಾ̿ ᆾ㣍ᥐⅰ➘۲ᒴ㈹Ϛ㈹大䢬˞₅܋२ ഭ㐛ˍ㭗൪ᡷ̿ ᆾⅰ㣍ᥐ㓃㤔ຯ㏸ְ ⡈ ཯ᳮǎഭᑜ澳大㟘〲ύಾ૆ಾΦ䢨⁣ḳ Нၒಾ䢩ゔ␗䢬㛤☻⦿⻠⍵ᜲ᳤ ㅖ㇤䢬 べ᳤ ゔ␗ⅰ㟘〲࿘ധ዁ ػ 澳㟑ⅰ⏲研Ǎ ☃ᬞ㕕ℼ⓺ᑚ㤘ⅰ發ൠǎ science, biomedical science and engineering, electronics, mechanical and manufacturing engineering) as well as content related to global challenges such as energy production, health and well-being, food safety, and the use of natural resources. Graduates can pursue a career in science, engineering, research, and education-related fields, such as in government departments, public institutions, laboratories and testing facilities, hospitals, microelectronics or optoelectronics companies, petroleum and chemical industries, food industry, and universities. Ma Chi Ngai, president of the Administrative Committee of the Science and Technology Development Fund, says that environmental facilities, testing facilities, and pharmaceutical companies in Macao welcome those who have graduated from overseas universities with a degree in related fields, adding that they have hired professionals from outside Macao to fill this gap. Macao’s higher education and research institutes have accumulated a lot of experience in this area and at this moment possess the right conditions to nurture their own professionals. He is pleased to see the launch of the Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics and Chemistry programme, adding that it can fill the gap in higher education in Macao and nurture professionals in this field. Graduates of the programme will have great scope for development, whether they decide to pursue basic research or work as industry practitioners. Huge Demand for Bioinformatics Professionals The Bachelor of Science in Bioinformatics programme integrates the studies of biology, health sciences, information technology, and computer science, in order to nurture professionals in the area of bioinformatics. These professionals will become an important part of the smart city development of Macao. Graduates of the programme can pursue a career related to biomedical, pharmaceutical or biotechnological sciences in the medical sector. They can work as researchers at universities, research institutes, hospitals, or companies, or become directors of science departments, regulatory officials, inspectors, and administrators. Chong Hong Heng, president of the Macau Association ゔ␗㐢ൄ ᐨᎭ֯ ᖾᇤ能 ࠇݶ ᜪ≷ㄤՔҥⅰ̿ ᆾ The programme nurtures professionals with data analytical skills and business knowledge