
On 18 February 2019, the Chinese government released The Outline of the Strategies for the Development of the Guangdong-Hong KongMacao Greater Bay Area (the Outline). Some of the strategies mentioned in the document concern traditional Chinese medicine. For instance, establishing a high-quality platform for technology and innovation, providing support for the construction of a Traditional Chinese Medicine Science and Technology Industrial Park (the Industrial Park) and other major projects to facilitate innovation in Hengqin, and providing support for the establishment of a platform to promote the development of the Chinese medicine science and technology industry in Macao. Several months before the release of the Outline, President Xi Jinping inspected the Industrial Park, demonstrating the government’s commitment to promoting the development of Chinese medicine. The University of Macau’s (UM) Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences (ICMS) and State Key Laboratory of Quality Research in Chinese Medicine (the Lab) have established a platform for the commercialisation of new technologies in Chinese medicine, in collaboration with Peking University’s State Key Laboratory of Natural and Biomimetic Drugs and the Industrial Park in Hengqin. Prof Wang Yitao, director of both the ICMS and the Lab, says that establishing a presence in the Industrial Park is only one step the institute is taking to explore an innovationdriven path that aims to answer the nation’s needs by tapping into Macao’s advantages. With the progress the institute has already made, integration with the Greater Bay Area will provide greater scope for personnel training and research development. ന㧋ኼ〛 • TOPIC INSIGHT 澳大ᑓゆ • 2019 UMAGAZINE 20 35 Establishing a New Platform for Chinese Medicine Founded in 2002, the ICMS hopes to establish a world-class platform for the study of Chinese medicine quality systems and the development of innovative Chinese medicines. Over the years, the institute has produced many Chinese medicine professionals and encouraging research results. In 2008, a group of Chinese medicine scholars in Macao, led by Prof Wang, applied to the Ministry of Science and Technology to establish a state key laboratory of quality research in Chinese medicine. In December 2010, the application was approved, leading to the establishment of China’s first state key lab in the field of Chinese medicine. Since its founding, the Lab has received visits from various ׾ཇˮ㕗Ⳝ新ໜ܀ ᑜ2002໛ཅ⒢ⅰ研⑟㡕䢬͞ ཅ〲˞₅ˍ ᨢⅰ中Ⳛㇰ㕵☲⚕研⑟⦾׼ᑓ中Ⳛ研發 平台᳤ 㧔ᓡ䢬਋⢺大ᇝ׼ᑓ英ᆾ䢬⏲研 成ᗈ㬝̿ ǎ200 ໛ἔˍ᰸ᐑእἐ㦦澳㟑 中㕕Ⳛಾ⡃॰㡴䢬Ṃ㦵 ܗ २೮⏲ᇤ㒲⁳ ਸ成⒢中Ⳛㇰ㕵研⑟२೮㕳㷞഑㬟ೡ䢬 ˧ᑜ2010໛12ᕓỼ२೮⏲ᇤ㒲ᇝփ䢬全 २ⓥˍ個中㕕Ⳛ㦦৴ⅰ२೮㕳㷞഑㬟ೡ ⭵ᆬ澳㟑ǎ⦨成⒢͞ Ϛ䢬഑㬟ೡ኿ྦ̜ २೮˷ຩ⠗㏧平Ǎᒿͭ २ ؿ 㡕✺ύᬱ೮ ടǍᒿͭ २೮׸˷ຩᕋᄜ☻⓺२೮㦦മ