
TOPIC INSIGHT • ന㧋ኼ〛 2019 UMAGAZINE 20 • 澳大ᑓゆ 36̿ ǎ201 ໛⠗˷ຩ׋〯澳大䢬ॺ⢔ۨ ἔ ˍ᰸ᐑእ͍ ♧ⁱ഑㬟ೡ⦨˷研發ⅰ全球 首׼Ǘ૦ჵˍ㭓٨⥩िǘྭ 䢬⠗˷ຩ㸇ّ २೮㕳㷞഑㬟ೡۜ ⦾२೮׼ᑓ㬐 ػ 發 ൠᆨₗ䢬᳤ 中㕕Ⳛ發ൠѵ֦ ᕅ大ㆱἄǎ ἔˍ᰸ᐑእゐ䢺Ǘ中㕕Ⳛᒴ中⬷ᐵᒛⅰ Ῐട䢬۩׋全˞₅ⅰ㕳⿍ǎ഑㬟ೡ成⒢͞ Ϛˍ↽۩׋२೮ⅰ㕳⿍ ݶ ḿ چ ⅰᏳ ጀ䢬ཅ〲澳㟑中㕕Ⳛ⏲ᇤ⁥ᜪ平台ഖ㐫 ◼᫑澳大Ტ چ 發ൠ⛅⾾䢬ᆒмॺ⏲ಾ研 ⑟Ǎ̿ ᆾ਋㨱 ݶ 成功㎠٨⓺ᑚ㤘ധᕐᕔ ᕅ大ⅰ發ൠ៪㐹 ݶ ③㟠ǎǘॺ201 ໛䢬 澳大ຂ⦾༴๵中㕕Ⳛ大ಾǍ㩿᫑ᩃᕐ大 ಾՍ ܒ ᝵ཅǗ◼᫑澳大Ტ چ 中㕕Ⳛ׼ᑓ 中࿖ǘ䢬˷⾾ྷ̠ 中㕕Ⳛ׼ᑓ研發 ݶ 中 Ⳛ२㢂ަ ㇰឱᬞ研⑟ǎἔᐑእ⼻Ԭ㑄䢺 Ǘщ أ 大Ტ چ ⅰ׼ᑓ​੸ ݶ 發ൠᯂ؛䢬 ᆒм॰㡴ധ⦾大Ტ چ ⅰ㭗ᘪ㡕ᆳᏢᆼ܎ ε䢬഑έ◼᫑澳˓ঁ ㇒ᬚԖ ̥ن ⼻䢬᳤ 大Ტ چ ⅰ中㕕Ⳛ⏲ᇤ ݶ ⁥ᜪ發ൠѵ֦ ᕅ ૦ⅰㆱἄǎǘ ⁧ೀ⊝׾新ᆓᗊⷊ⢏ᩄՇ૥ ἔˍ᰸ᐑእᒴˍΦ ڕ ㈹ⅰ中㕕Ⳛ研⑟ന ೮䢬研⑟ᑚ ᳤ܗ 中Ⳛㇰ㕵☲⚕くӯ䢬׼ ཅ中⬷㕕Ⳛ研⑟㡕1 ໛͞ Ϛ䢬ˍ↽⏬ቆ ׼ᑓᥐ഑ⅰ⏲研☃⎖⦾् ᖍᑝᐑ⢺̿ ύ ࿸䢬ອ㦦研⑟㡕ⅰಾ⻐̿ ޹ ݶ 研⑟⁣൨ Ỽᣃ᝝䢬成ൄ ҥ۩ᩂՅૣ ܒ ⻋⦾⍹ᕐ܋ ₅ㅖ〴ǎἔᐑእ⦾٩̸ ݶږ 㕕ಾ㡕⓺ ࡘ ΦՍ ܒ ೎成ⅰǗ中⪿Ⳛ%/"ᚄྉ⌔ḳ␯ 㞘೙㭓☲ǘ䢬᝝Ỽ201 ໛२೮⏲ಾᇤ⻐ 㐫᢫Ỡ̡ ⓺Ỡ䢬2011໛᝝Ỽ澳㟑ḿ ᐀چ ໺እ̞ ᐑ⢺功✻ُ ⒭䢬201 ໛᝝Ỽ澳㟑 ḿ چ ⏲ᇤḿׄ Ỡǎ͞ 研⑟㡕᳤ ˷മⅰ⦦໮㕕ಾǍⳚύಾ ݶ ᣷ύಾಾ⏲䢬㐥 ܒ 澳大Ԗ ن ಾ⏲๺␗ ಾǍ〘┰៪⏲ಾ۠ ⍹ᕐ⏲ಾ✺グ㐫Մ全 球਌ᕲ⏲ಾ቉ឱ㇒ᑁ༄䢨&S*䢩 נ 1 ǎ ἔˍ᰸ᐑእ⻠⍵䢬研⑟㡕 ݶ २೮㕳㷞഑ 㬟ೡ͞ ཅ〲˞₅ˍᨢⅰ中Ⳛㇰ㕵☲⚕研 ⑟⦾׼ᑓ中Ⳛ研發平台᳤ 㧔ᓡ䢬ຂ਌ᕲ state leaders, including President Xi, former State Council Premier Wen Jiabao, and former Vice President Zeng Qinghong. In 2014, President Xi visited UM. Upon learning of the multi-phase capsule developed by the lab, the first of its kind in the world, President Xi encouraged the lab to participate in China’s innovation-driven growth strategy and make a more substantial contribution to Chinese medicine. Prof Wang says, ‘Chinese medicine is a gem of the Chinese civilisation, and it has received considerable attention worldwide. Ever since its founding, the lab has received a lot of support from the central and Macao SAR governments. In fact, the central government accords a very important status to the lab, so much so that establishing a platform for promoting the development of the Chinese medicine science and technology industry in Macao has been written into the Outline. This means we will have greater scope for further development in scientific research, personnel training, and commercialisation of research results.’ In 2018, the Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Hong Kong Baptist University, and UM jointly established a centre for innovations in Chinese medicine in the Greater Bay Area. The centre mainly focuses on the development of innovative Chinese medicines and the study of international quality standards for Chinese medicine. Prof Wang explains: ‘The Greater Bay Area has great potential and provides an environment that is conducive to innovation. We want to join hands with other universities in the Greater Bay Area so we can combine our strengths and make greater contributions to the development of the Chinese medicine science and technology industry in the Greater Bay Area.’ Widespread Recognition Prof Wang is an eminent expert on Chinese medicine. His main research interest involves Chinese medicine quality system evaluation. As a researcher, he is innovative and rigorous. As an educator, he believes in tailoring his teaching methods to student aptitude. Under his leadership, the faculty members and postgraduate students in the institute have won numerous honours and widespread recognition from their peers both at home and abroad. A research project on using DNA barcoding for identifying the species of medicinal plants, jointly conducted by Prof