
TOPIC INSIGHT • ന㧋ኼ〛 2019 UMAGAZINE 20 • 澳大ᑓゆ 38̜ 澳㟑ⓥˍᇝ⁣ḳ㕕Ⳛ㭗Ⓓ̿ ᆾ䢬200 ໛׼㏅⁣ḳ㕕Ⳛ ژ ૆ಾΦゔ␗䢬2011໛ ׼㏅⁣ḳ㕕Ⳛനᜪಾ૆ಾΦゔ␗䢨201 ໛̳ ⦾Ҁ༏⏲ಾಾ㡕䢩ǎ ⦮͌ 䢬研⑟㡕ຂ᳤ २೮Ǎ大Ტ ݶچ 澳㟑 ਋㨱̜ 00૦Φ中⬷㕕Ⳛ׼ᑓ英ᆾǎՐ 中˗റₔᜪ⁣成᳤̜ 澳㟑㕕Ⳛ⻖⁣ ݶ ⇀ 㠙⻋ᜪⅰᘼ࿖ᜪ ؿ 㬴ໟ ݶ 㭗Ⓓ┷ύ英 ᆾ䢬⦯؛ᑜ᪦㐢ⅰ ژ ૆ₔᜪྭ 㓃଩㧔㈫ޭ δǍ⡪㯆Ǎ⨱؝޽Ǎؐ ៗ ݶ ⭎㦡大ಾ ⓺˞₅⮍ ܓ ಾ໺᪦㐢䢬ᩂૣ ᢵϚྭ 䢬ॺ 澳大䢬۠͞ ٩̸ 大ಾǍ᪷ ⬷大ಾǍᨧᥦ 大ಾ⓺⮍ ܓ 㭗ᘪ ݶ २೮Ǘ㢱ˍᨢǘಾ⏲ Ꭸͭ ᐑእ⓺㭗♐⢑␲䢬成᳤ 澳㟑 ݶ Յঁ 中⬷㕕Ⳛ׼ᑓ發ൠ ݶ २㢂ሤൠⅰ㕳⾾؛ 㕵䢬㑮ᕔ˗റₔᜪ⁣成᳤ ˞₅ 00཯㕕 Ⳛͱᜪⅰᘼ࿖㭗┷ ݶ 研發⏲ಾ೮ǎ ⿇׋ᢴ൒ₔᜪ⁣ॺ中㕕Ⳛ㦦৴大᏿₠ྎ 䢬͒ 㢺ዂ⦿ଗঁ ゐ䢺Ǘᆒм研⑟㡕̿ ᆾ਋㨱ⅰ˓大ḿ㷞ᒴ䢺२㢂٨׼ᑓゔ␗ 〲〘Ǎ全球⿍㕴英ゆᐑಾǍ૦ಾ⏲̳۟ ׼ᑓ研⑟഑㊢Ǎ⦾२㢂⮍ ܓ ಾ໺ⅰ⢊܎ ਋㨱䢬成᳤ 全球中⬷㕕Ⳛ̿ ᆾ਋㨱 ݶ ⏲ ಾ研⑟ཙ̿ ≯↷ⅰ̺ 㷞ǎǘ 2011 respectively, with the latter being included in the curriculum of the Faculty of Health Sciences in 2015. Over the years, the ICMS has produced more than 500 graduates, many of whom are now key players or work in senior management positions in medicine, health, and other related industries in Macao. Those who graduated from PhD programmes and chose to pursue further education were accepted by world-renowned universities such as Harvard University, Yale University, the University of Chicago, the University of Cambridge, and Leiden University. After graduating from these universities, some became professors or were appointed to other senior academic positions at renowned universities in China such as Peking University, Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University, and UM play a key role in promoting the innovation and internationalisation of Chinese medicine in Macao and mainland China, while others were hired as senior management or research scientists at pharmaceutical companies ranked among the top 500 in the world. Prof Wang is very excited about the achievements of the alumni. He says, ‘In terms of academic programmes offered by our institute, it’s worth mentioning a few things. First, we are innovative and meet international standards in our curriculum design. Second, English is our teaching language. Third, we are engaged in innovative, interdisciplinary research and launch joint programmes with renowned universities in the world. These three characteristics have made our institute the focus of attention in the international community.’ Promoting Chinese Medicine in the Greater Bay Area On 6 March 2011, with state leaders as witnesses, the governments of Guangdong province and the Macao SAR signed a framework collaboration agreement, signalling the official start of close cooperation between Guangdong and Macao. On 19 April of the same year, a groundbreaking ceremony was held for the Industrial Park, the first collaborative project between Guangdong and Macao. In 2010, the institute began to fully participate in the preparation and construction of the Industrial Park in Hengqin by providing support for the development and registration of new products, quality evaluation, pilot-scale production, personnel training, and the establishment ഑㬟ೡ⦨˷研發ⅰ全球首׼Ǘ૦ჵˍ㭓٨⥩िǘ The world’s first multi-phase capsule developed by the lab