
19 ໛䢬全球೙Φ☲⚕首ᗇ̿ 㐢⻖ᒧ發ഥ ڌ ③䢬᳤ ⛆⚈發ൠ㟘 ࠚ ᴮ㡉 ۽ 能ǎ10૦ᢱⅰ㇓⛁ࢤ㒄໛᏿˕ቖঁ ⅰ㙜㦵䢬㢹㟘㇀๵㏍ᖎⅰ೮׋᫴ ڌڗ 大 ಾ䢬നᜪᒴ〘┰៪ǎ͒ ₢ᒿྷ ᕰ⿇㐿㣊⤾Ǎ˗≷㑄⛆⚈ᒴ 㷃ǍᕅႰӍ˗׋ ധϚᕐ成᳤ ḳ⢊⛆⦾大ᐨᎭന೮ǎ⚭ᢴᐨ ڇ ㍫ྭ 䢬͒ ॺ201 ໛Ϛ׋澳㟑䢬᳤ أږ ᝵ཅ智ᄏ৪຋֦ ؛ǎ㐛Φ澳㟑大ಾ㣊⤾۠ ㇒〙⏲ಾ☲ロ༁ᐑእゐ䢺Ǘ⛆ ⚈㦦৴ᣵᑻ㓃ᕔㅐ̿ ⦿ଗⅰᑓ̠ ḳ䢬ഭ̠ ḳᕔତ૿࿖䢬ᒴˍ↽዁ ػ ᆒॺ㣊⤾ ⏲ಾ˔˗ᑘኼ♘ⅰ؛㕵ǎǘ In 1978, the world’s first GPS artificial satellite was launched, opening up endless new possibilities for network development. In the same year, the teenage Weijia Jia put down his hoe and left his home in rural Guizhou for a university in Hunan province, where he embarked on a new chapter of his life that would eventually launch him on a career studying big data and the Internet of Things (IoT). But at the time in 1978 when he started his college major in computer sciences, Jia had never seen a computer or heard of the internet, much less imagined that one day he would become an expert in big data and IoT. In 2018, he was invited to assist with the development of Macao into a smart city. Currently a chair professor in the Department of Computer and Information Science at the University of Macau (UM), Jia says, ‘Exciting new things keep emerging in the field of the internet. A keen curiosity is what has been driving me in my exploration in computer sciences.’ ⊝②̃ 㐙୥ᑞ๣㶢൶˗ ㇓ᐑእ ܒ ᒿᒴ智ᄏ৪຋ḳ⢊⛆२೮㕳㷞 ഑㬟ೡ䢨澳㟑大ಾ䢩׸˷ͭ Ǎ澳大ᐨᎭ ⏲ಾ中࿖˷ͭ ǎ 1໛ נ 䢬͒ ᒴᐵ٨大㤛 ݪ ♺ᖘǍՅঁ ၅࿀㭗⡁ྭ 首ᇝ大ಾ⁣中 ⅰˍ޹ǎ͒ ゐ䢺Ǘᆒḋ⿝㈨̜ ໤ ڇ 㕲൴ ㊊䢬ྷ ✣৪⚋ᆒ㐉Ϛˍ཭大ಾ㙺ۨ 㐜≷ ᕈ䢬₢ᒿᐤ個✣৪㓃㎵ ̜ػ ǎǘ̿ ḳന〯 • EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW 澳大ᑓゆ • 2019 UMAGAZINE 20 41 A Journey that Starts at the Foot of Mount Yuelu Prof Jia is also the deputy director of the State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart City (University of Macau) and director of the Centre for Data Science at UM. Forty-one years ago, he was among the first cohort of Chinese students to take the national college entrance examination after it was reinstated following the end of the Cultural Revolution. His father trudged miles of mountain road to deliver the admission letter to him and proudly told him how the news that he was accepted by a university had electrified the entire village. ๻㦑९䢺智ᄏ৪຋ḳ⢊⛆२೮㕳㷞഑㬟ೡ 澳㟑大ಾ ˷್ͭ ᥇⬷ᐑእ ܁ ݶ ㇓⛁ࢤᐑእ ๻ ܗ ׋〯ⅰ२೮⏲ಾᇤ⻐㒲׸㒲㟊཭ཅ२͍ ♧഑㬟ೡ Photo on left page: Prof Yonghua Song (right), Director of the State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart City (University of Macau), and Prof Weijia Jia (left), report the latest development of the lab to Zhang Jianguo, vice minister of science and technology of China.