
إژ 澳㟓ཇ〴ᓭᄑ৬ຍ ㇓ᐑእ㡗̜ ᒴ智ᄏ৪຋ḳ⢊⛆२೮㕳㷞 ഑㬟ೡ䢨澳㟑大ಾ䢩׸˷ͭ 䢬̏ ᒴつ഑ 㬟ೡ৪຋大ᐨᎭ⦾智能ᇤ⻐研⑟♲ⅰㆯ ㆺ̿ 䢬研⑟ゔ㧋ٛ ሱ૦൪ᡷǍ૦ឹ ჵ智 能ი≷Нၒឱ⍵ύグ⦾ᇤ⻐䢬۠͞ 大⿈ឹ 智ᄏ৪຋₠᝵ᐨᎭⅰ⛆⚈ಥԜǍҵ㎒ ݶ 㐼┰ⅰύグᑚᧈǎ͒ ቉഑㬟ೡ⾾᳤ 澳 㟑ᕘ ؿ 䢬首ԯᕐॺᕲঁ 㟘ൠˍ̬ ḿ⨑㦕 ↷䢬〘 ؈ ԯ⦾澳㟑ⅰ㣊Н㐼᷊ ࠇ ܎ε䢬 ኼ〛㐜Нᑚ㤘ⅰ大ᐨᎭⴵύǎǗ㐛̏ ᒴ 澳㟑᣹㍦ယ㣍ⅰ䢬㐜Н大ᐨᎭ ͞۽ ⿼᥼ ໤個 ࠏ 㧋䢬ٛ ሱ̿ ᨢ┷ύǍ̳ 㐜 ࠏ 㧋䢬 㑮ᕔԖ٨ᕰϚ਌⒧ⅰ֯ ΢䢬᳤् ᆒмⅰ (㐜Н㪍˔ൄ 㟘ୣ 㒲⟅̜ ǎǘ ㇓ᐑእ㑮ᢩ ॺ▰ҥॺ͌ ໛9ᕓ㟘㏅ⅰ⌄ ૆ಾΦ䢨ᐨᎭ⏲ಾ䢩ゔ␗ǎつゔ␗ᩯ⯭̿ ๺智能Ǎ຋਻᷊ 㘵Ǎ㕷⸧⏲ᇤǍ☃ᬞ 㕕ಾǍ智ᄏᐑ⢺⓺ᑚ ܗ 䢬ᒴ澳㟑首個዁֦ ⅰ㊄ಾ⏲大ᐨᎭゔ␗ǎ͒ ቉ゔ␗ᑽॺ ᇃ⊴㊄ಾ⏲ॺᅞ⁨大ᐨᎭⅰદષ䢬Ђ㐫 ᐨᎭ⏲ಾ ݶ 大ᐨᎭ˔ⅰᐤ܎䢬㖁ഭလঁ᳤ 澳㟑਋⢺大ᐨᎭ̿ ᆾǎ ㇓ᐑእゐ䢬大ᐨᎭ⦾澳㟑成᳤ 智ᄏ৪຋ⅰ 㧔ᓡ೸˗ ֯۽ ǎǗᆒέॺ਌ᕲ˔ൄ ᒴॺㄧ ഖ̿ Ǎ៪Ǎḳ˓⡃ⅰ㐛個㏼॥ǎᆒмᣵ個̿ 㓃ॺ⁥⁣大ᐨᎭ䢬̏ ॺϓ⁨大ᐨᎭ䢬۸ ᒴᆒм˗≷㑄䢬̏ ᦒᕔ̿ ഭᆒм㐫⻋㐛個 ⏲ᓠǎǘ͒ ቉֦ 䢬㐜㐿ᐤ܎ ֯ݶ ᖾᑻຯ⁣ ᨜⁥⁣ⅰᐨᎭ䢬ൄ 能዁֦ ᕅְ ܎大⇶⦾個̿ 㣍ᥐǍᕅՑ智ᄏⅰᕘ ؿ ǎˍ個智ᄏ৪຋ ⼿䢬܋␯ӵ࣮ ݶ ḳͪ 㓃能㐜㐿ҵი࣮̥ ⇀ 㐥኿䢬⡈ೇмⅰ␎ ػ Ǎᩓ⡒ ݶ ϓ⁨ႌᦵ䢬 㓃能⁥⁣大㕵ᐨᎭǎ㐛̬ ᐨᎭ˗Π ͞۽ ٸ 㢡㈭Ϛ䢬ᕅ能㐜㐿̿ ๺智能ᇤ⻐؝֯͞ ᖾ䢬 ̿أږ мᇢ֦ 㹩大ᐨᎭ⣌ྭ ⅰ჋⟳ǎ Ǘϟ଩ॺᆒмⅰ৪຋䢬ഭˍ̬ ₠ຯέㅽ㓃 ᕔྩ ૦ҵი࣮ 䢬㇒ᑁ㓃ᕐҵ㐉˔ۙ 䢬⚭㐿̿ ๺智能ⴵύ䢬≷㑄ᕔ₠ຯέㅽⅰっ䢬ᆒ мൄ 能ዞ נ ⍵ㄯǎǘ EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW • ̿ ḳന〯 2019 UMAGAZINE 20 • 澳大ᑓゆ 44 ing protocol and matching networks have attracted widespread interest and attention. In 2017, his research project on theories and methodologies concerning resource allocation and management for distributed systems earned him a first prize in the Natural Science Award category from the Ministry of Education under an award programme in recognition of outstanding research achievements of scholars from higher education institutions. Assisting in the Development of a Smart City in Macao Apart from being the deputy director of the State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart City (University of Macau), Prof Jia is also the head of the research team on urban big data and smart technologies in the lab. The team’s main research interests include theory and technology for multi-level, multi-mode intelligent sensing identifications, as well as theories and methodologies concerning network storage, transmission, and computing of disparate data. Created to serve Macao, the lab’s first priority is to initiate local projects with distinctive characteristics. The team plans to collaborate with telecommunications operators in Macao in big data processing. He says, ‘Applying big data in telecommunications can address several urgent issues, including crowd control, traffic control, and optimisation of the allocation of base stations, because the establishment of 5G network infrastructure is under planning.’ In addition to research, Prof Jia is also preparing for the launch of a master’s degree programme in data science in September of this year. The first interdisciplinary programme in big data in Macao, the programme will cover such areas as artificial intelligence, marketing, financial technology, precision medicine, and intelligent education, with the aim of promoting interdisciplinary application of big data and the integration of data science and big data applications. According to Prof Jia, big data are inextricably linked to the development of a smart city in Macao. ‘I am working on Men-Machines-Things Knowledge Graph Completions. Every one of us produces and uses big data every day, without realising it, because nobody has taught us anything about big data.’ He points out that by integrating and analysing the big data produced