
★ᑞҷ⚗ ⑪⊶ҷ⚗䣀 ᙯⳇ᧖ⅲ㊆₇Ⳕ⻒〴〚ώ࿺ From Tradition to Innovation: Lampo Leong’s Interdisciplinary Approach to Art and Design ᐵ ] ⮀ᨶ⁶ ğ ९ ] ήᖢ平 㒲֯ ९Ḙⁱ۩〯⡃ዞϫ Chinese Text | Davis Ip ğ Photo | Jack Ho with some photos provided by Interviewee ǗⳒ⻐〲〘ᐑ⢺ᒴഭ׼㐢လⅰᐑ⢺䢬׼㐢လᬚ⦨ಾ⁣ᕲ㌨䢬ಾ⁣׋ゔਓϚ˗ᅞつӄ ӄᒴಾ׋ᗬ␯Ⳓ⻐〲〘ⅰᇤ能䢬˗ᅞつᒴ⠿ຨᇮᗬ␯≷ㄤ ݶ ᑚᧈᐑ⚋ಾ⁣䢬ಾ⁣ൄ ቋᵦ⮍ᝌឺۙ ѵǎᕍତⅰ⠿ຨᒴ⾾ཙമಾ⁣㐜㐿ಾ⠗ዞᒔ⇴԰ ݡ ަݶ 䢬㐔᮪ഫᇢ׋ ⦨ກⅰḿ⨑Ǎ׼㐢֦ ⦨ກỳḿⅰ⻠㑅ᑚཕ ݶ ᆼᧈ䢬् ᢪ䢬ᢵᘽ׋໴䢬Ⳓ⻐〲〘ᐑ⢺ ᒴഭಾ⁣׼㐢လဓ⛁ ݶ 能؛ⅰ਋㨱ǎǘ᙭ⳅ᧔ᐑእ⒧ॺ͒ ⅰǕઔㅽǖ☲ּ נ ⿼㕱 㑄ǎ㐛㎊₢͜ ᥃ઔεަ ⁱ中२ҵ⚕֦ 發䢬♺܎⾼ᑚέ͜ Ⳓ⻐ύ࿸䢬ൠέ̜͒ ഭᨶᱣ ೊ೘ⅰ㑁Ⴐ۠͞ ഭᖣǍ⾼ᑚ ߈ ಾⅰဓ⡁ǎ☃ᑜ中२ҵ⚕䢬 ۨژ ⾼ᑚᆳ㟊䢬㐜㐿ૣ ؛ ഫᥐഭҵ⚕ⅰ⑨⊴䢬❰⡈੐㐢֦ ⦨ກⅰỳḿ㧮ᙀ䢬 ͞۽ ゐ䢬㐛ൄ ᒴ᙭ⳅ᧔ᐨ ڇ ໛Ϛ ⅰ׼έ ㊊䢬̏ ᒴ͒ ˍㆹⅰᐑ⢺ύ࿸ǎ ‘Art education is in essence education of creativity, which can only be cultivated from within,’ says Prof Lampo Leong, standing in front of his painting series Inkscape. ‘In an art class, it is not enough to spoon-feed students with knowledge, skills or techniques in art; instead, the best teachers are those who help students develop an aesthetic taste so that they can gradually and eventually originate their unique styles and expressions. Therefore, study of art is about cultivation of creativity, self-expression and critical thinking ability,’ explains Prof Leong. A synthesis of traditional Chinese brushwork and modern Western art concepts, Inkscape represents Leong’s fertile imagination of the vast universe, and his reflections on Eastern and Western philosophies. Sometimes cruising effortlessly within the familiar waters of Chinese tradition, other times intentionally veering off into fascinating foreign territory, Leong has developed his own unique style by simultaneously honouring Chinese tradition and breaking with it. This is not only how he has kept surpassing his own achievements in his pursuit of artistic expression over the past decades; it is also what he requires from his students. ġ EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW • ̿ ḳന〯 2019 UMAGAZINE 20 • 澳大ᑓゆ 46