
㐜㐿大೮ⅰ ؛ؤ 䢬ຒᕤ能૩؝᪦澳大Ǎ 澳㟑⍹ᕐ ݶ 澳㟑᐀໺ഭⳒ⻐〲〘 ݶ ׼჋ ః㭓ⅰ㕳⾾လⅰべㄤ ݶ 㕳⿍ǎ᙭ᐑእ ゐ䢺Ǘॺ澳大׼⒢ˍ個നᜪⅰⳒ⻐〲〘 ゔ␗ഭᑜ澳㟑ྩ 㕳⾾䢬Π᳤ 澳大ຨ⁣׼ 㐢ˍ個ᕔⳒ⻐ަ ݡ ⅰಾ⠗ ݶ ๺ε​੸ ឺܒ 㕳⾾䢬᳤् 䢬Ⳓ⻐С㨱˗ӄ⾾㐜㐿ಾ ⠗ϚỼྲ 䢬㑮⾾㐜㐿Ǚⲭ㡤ǚϚ਋㨱ǎ̏ൄ ᒴゐ䢬ᆒмᣵ૮⁣᨜ⅰ​੸䢬ᣵ૮ ᆳ⇎׋ⅰᖣ⾼ⅰ㐢় Ǎ⁨⨑⓺〲〘♠╆ 㓃ᕐഭಾ⁣ⅰ全̿ ᐑ⢺Ǎަ ݶݡ ഔ⟜ⅰ 發ൠ㈭׋ᯂ␎㷙٨ⅰྕ 㦏ǎ澳大ᕔㆺ᳤ͭ ˕ˍ᷊͜ 㐢ԖㇰⅰⳒ⻐〲〘​੸ ݶ ಾ ⻐᤯४䢬Ǚ㍇഑؛ǚⅰዞᒔᢩ ᒴ澳㟑⍹ ᕐ能 ܩ 成功ঁ Ђ㐫⚭ᰳ ⅰ૦Ԫ٨發ൠ˧ ㎠᳤় ˍ個ᕔ᪦ ۂ ᐵ٨໴⳹ⅰ˞₅♐; 㟟ᑤ㐻中࿖ⅰ㠙㛛လ् ♖ǎǘ̿ ḳന〯 • EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW 澳大ᑓゆ • 2019 UMAGAZINE 20 51 digital era. The show received considerable attention and recognition from the local industry and attracted many people, including UM faculty and students, artists and designers in related fields, and high school students from Macao. Some of the pieces received the prestigious A’Design Award in Italy. Participants reported that the performance greatly enhanced their research capacity, new media techniques, and aesthetic sensibilities. The centre works closely with other departments and faculties at UM, such as the Dept. of Communication, Faculty of Education, and Faculty of Arts and Humanities, to support undergraduate education in art, design and creative media at UM. Prof Leong says, ‘As part of the Macao Base for Primary & Secondary Education in Humanities & Social Sciences, the centre collaborates with the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau to make an active contribution in the training of Macao's primary and secondary schools teachers in the fields of arts, design and calligraphy through lectures and workshops.’ As the Associate Director of the Fine Arts and Design Education Development Alliance of the Guangdong-Hong Kong- Macao Greater Bay Area, Prof Leong says that the centre is dedicated to collaborating with higher education institutions in Macao, promoting exchange and collaboration in arts and design education in the Greater Bay Area, and contributing to the development of the cultural and creative industries in Macao via various forms and channels, such as design projects, workshops, lectures, exhibitions, performances and publications. Through joint efforts and collaborations, Leong hopes to enhance the public recognition and that the university, society and the government could value the importance of education in arts, design and creative media. He says, ‘It is important for Macao to build a professional arts and design program at UM, and it is equally important to create an artistic learning and working environment for teachers and students. Arts is acquired not merely through formal training, but also by everyday engagement. In other words, the environment in which we live, the things we see every day, their designs, colours, and details…these all contribute to our aesthetic sense. It is the responsibility of UM to create a quality academic and artistic environment that is conducive to students’ well-rounded education and personal development. Soft power is key in Macao’s endeavour to diversify its economy and transform into a world-class tourism and leisure centre with rich cultural heritage.’ ᙭ⳅ᧔ᐑእ⦾ᖋ⦨ㆄᐑእⅰ㊄₅܎εεަ Ǘ㉏԰ǘⁱ澳㟑 大ಾ⧐㋔॰ᮉ֦ 䢬ॺ჋大׈Ỽ२㢂˔ᜲ ㆯ↨ ܓ ⅰǗ"〲〘 Ỡǘ ᮉ֦ ؊ᵦⁱ㒜⁠⁠ሞᏣ ǎ Lampo Leong’s Near Light, collaborated with Research Fellow Yves Etienne Sonolet and Prof Michael Zihao Li of FED and performed by UM Dance Troupe, won the prestigious A’Design Award in Italy (Photo by Tiantian Huan). ኡ̡ ⛁⌔ ⿫⇎〯ゥḘᣡ Scan the QR code to watch the video interview