
ᐪದ㕗ℾ ☖⃚് ᒴˍ␯ᄊလ͜ ワ₠ຯ⃓⃚ 䢬˷⾾ ᒴⁱᑜ㭓Յ⣧⥎˗能֯ ᦿ㉘૩ⅰ⣧෍♖ ᆖ㭓Յ♠⣜˗能ᢩ ຯ׈⁨֯ ᦿⅰ⣧෍ ♖ǎᕍ♰മ⦯⻁☖˔ ڌ ˧㟊ᒿ㟠⛁ቆॺ 㭗⻁☖Ṷჵǎ中२ᒴ全球☖⃚്ၴ ⡃̿ ᐨᕍ૦ⅰ२೮䢬ᘽᎭຂ發⻠ⅰ全२လゞ ᗾ䢬㐿ۙ 0໛Ϛ䢬中२☖⃚്ၴ⃚ ἐ ယ؊ઌ؝ǎ⠿໛̿ Ǎ⁶လǍ৪຋൑ᤧ Ǎ ⚭ᰳ 發㑅ঁ چ ൑ᤧ Ǎ㈷㕳 ݶ ⢱⣔⡃ⅰ☖⃚്ၴ⃚ ἐᕅ㭗ǎ଩ήഭ⻁☖ᐨᎭ㐫⻋ ᑚϾ࿱ኖⅰ↮ᫎ䢿଩ή㦞㠴☖⃚് ⅰ發 ⁣䢬ॺၴ ⡃⌒〹᳤ ☖⃚്́ נ 䢬ዞ נ 㐫 ⻋໙㦞᦯ℼ䢬၅࿀Ҁ༏Ṷჵ䢿଩ήྷ 㐥 ❼↮ᫎⅰᩂ㕵⻁☖ᐨᎭ中䢬֯ ᖾⴵύ㐛̬ ᐨᎭ˧ቖኳ֦ ᕔ⁨㇒〙䢿㐛̬ ࠏ 㧋ᢩ ᒴ཭ᔧ⬷ᐑእ഑㬟ೡॺ㐫⻋ⅰ研⑟ǎ ↷ נ 䢬ॺ㕕㡕⦾೮༆中䢬ၴ ⡃ᒴ㐜㐿ᕳ ᆼ቉ᑚཕ㐫⻋ᑻຯ᥃ᬞ↮ᫎǎ㐜ຯ☖⃚്ၴ ⡃ᣵ૮㓃⾾ᫎずॉᡷᆖ͞ ˔⻁☖䢬 ϓ⁨ˍᘽ♠㖁 ה ⊴͒ мⅰᆼ቉ǎ㐛ഭ〴 ૦̿ Ϛゐᒴ⃬ ⩭˜˗ᑚϾⅰ䢬㐛 ۽ 能മ ⦯᠝ᫎ㧀ἐ㡆Χ䢬ྷ ⡈ྕ 㦏⻁☖᥃ᬞⅰ ዀ ב ǎഭᑜ☖⃚് נ ᕧၴ ⡃䢬଩ᗈ㐜㐿 㐥❼↮ᫎ⻁☖䢬ൄ ͞۽ ॺ⌒〹᳤ ☖⃚്́ נ ዞ נ ໙㦞᦯ℼ䢬၅࿀׋Ҁ༏Ṷჵǎ ॺ⦾༴๵㕕⏲大ಾⓥˍ㡁൰㕕㡕Յ֯ ᦿ Digital Health Diabetes is a group of chronic metabolic disorders. It occurs mainly due to the pancreas not producing enough insulin or the cells of the body not responding properly to the insulin produced. Finally, the body’s blood glucose rises to a high level. China has the world’s largest number of patients with diabetes. According to national surveys, the incidence of diabetes in China has increased dramatically over the past 30 years. Older people, men, residents of cities or economically developed areas, and overweight or obese people have a higher prevalence of diabetes. How can we monitor glucose in a convenient and quick way? How might we prevent the occurrence of diabetes? How is it possible to analyse and process the continuously monitored data and explore information from the massive data? These are the problems that Prof Zhang’s laboratory studies. Currently, patients with diabetes monitor their blood glucose by pricking their fingers in the hospital or at home. Generally, they need to prick their fingers with a small needle no more than four times to test the blood glucose levels. The testing method is painful and inconvenient, which may cause low frequency of glucose monitoring and even poor glucose control. For those patients in a pre-diabetes state, the continuous monitoring of glucose can guide the provision of advance interventions and help to restore health. In a cooperative project with the Department of Endocrinology in the First Affiliated ACADEMIC RESEARCH • ಾ⻐研⑟ 2019 UMAGAZINE 20 • 澳大ᑓゆ 64 ९ˍ ğ %eYDPm ( 1-"5*/6. 㐥❼ ⻁☖᠝ᫎӵ䢬ຂ⼕⟜२'%"ᇝփ䢬 ͞۽ 㐥❼↮ᫎ⻁☖ ૮ǎ Figure 1 • Dexcom G4 PLATINUM CGM System, approved by US FDA can monitor the glucose continuously for seven days.