
⏲܎εനᙋ中䢬⼕ず⡃ϓ⁨࿅׼㐥❼↮ ᫎ⻁☖〲ҥ ९ˍ 䢬研⑟॰㡴͞ ᢪኼ⑟ 1় ☖⃚് Ǎ2় ☖⃚് Ǎ☖⃚് נ ᕧ ݶ Ҁ༏̿ ⅰ⻁☖ ػ ჵ⽜㢴ༀ ֯ݶ ྉလⅰḿ 㷞䢬˧㟘發̜ 3ଊ⼼㍇㭓 ݶ ⇀㠙֨ ᐨ䢬 ᣹㍦܋␯㧙় ☖⃚്ၴ ⡃⻁☖ ػ ჵ⽜㢴 ༀ ֯ݶ ྉလⅰ˗ ܒ ǎ ॺつ഑㬟നᙋ中䢬ᆒм研發ⅰ3ଊ⼼㍇ 㭓 ᳤ܓ $(.BnBMZ[er䢬˧發έ☖⃚് ˍ় Ǎ়̡ၴ ⡃䢬☖⃚് נ ᕧ ݶ Ҁ༏̿́ 㟠䢬⻁☖ᐨѠⅰ⽜㢴ༀۜ ᐨᕔ㧧⮍๿ ₠ ९̡ 䢬㐫⡈⡁ᄔ ͞۽ 㐜㐿⽜㢴ༀۜ ᐨⅰㅊ₠လ䢬ϚくΎ☖⃚് נ ᕧၴ ⡃ ⅰ㌨㭓Ṷᦵ䢬ྷ ⡈ഭ☖⃚് נ ᕧၴ ⡃ 㐫⻋໙㦞᦯ℼǍ⁣᨜ᑚཕǍ㨡㨒♺᝵ ݶ 㐼 ػ ႌᦵⅰゞ╆䢬ധ⻁☖ゞᐤ׋Ҁ ༏̿ ⅰṶჵǎ㟘發ⅰ3ଊ⼼㍇㭓ٛ ̜ܮ ૦␯⁨ᑜ֯ ᖾ㐥❼↮ᫎ⻁☖ᐨᎭⅰ֨ ᐨ䢬ዞϫ̜ ༴᧍⡈全㤘ⅰᐨᎭ֯ ᖾᑚ ᧈ䢬ٛ ሱ଩ήㅂۨ ˍ☲ּ ᐨᎭ㢡䢬଩ήྲ ׋⻁☖ⅰ ٸ ✺⚕〘ᐨᎭ䢬଩ήₛ९Ǎ ㎠የᒿ㟠ᆪ〤ᙀཕǍСᢩ ➘૵Ѡ䢬଩ή くΎᣵᑻ๿₠ⅰ平এѠ۠͞ 㐥❼㕳₯ⅰ ᪝⻁☖ε⁨䢬଩ή〘┰૦൉ༀឺ ᕲᶧ䢬 㐫⻋成ഭ᣹㍦䢬଩ή❟⽔܋␯ۣ ᒨ⻁ ☖ۜ ᐨ㇒〙ⅰ९⻠ǎつଊ⼼㍇㭓發⻠ॺ #iPinGPrmBUiDT 1 09 1 11 201 ǎ つଊ⼼㍇㭓ᜲ 大ঁ Ђ㐫̜ ܋␯㐥❼↮ᫎ ⻁☖ᐨᎭⅰ֯ ᖾ䢬˧抍ᒛ⇀㠙研⑟⡃ഭ ☖⃚് ⅰ㐫ˍ᢫ኼ⑟ǎ 㡗̜ ⦾㕕㡕܎ε䢬഑㬟ೡ㑮ᕋॺ澳㟑╈ ४Յ㟘ൠ㐿ˍ㦕഑㬟䢬ኼ⑟㐼 ػ Ǎ࿖ ἐǍ∏⇝ ݶ 㨡㨒♺᝵䢬ഭҀ༏̿ ⦾☖⃚്ၴ ⡃ⅰྕ 㦏ǎᕲᡷ഑㬟׈⁨'iUCiU DIBrge 2 〲ҥ㐥❼↮ᫎ⼕ず⡃ⅰ࿖ἐǍ ∏⇝ަ ㇰ⦾㐼 ػ ႌᦵ䢬ϓ⁨'reeTUZMe ⻁☖᠝ᫎӵ㐥❼↮ᫎ⼕ず⻁☖᧔ ػ ႌ ᦵ䢬㐜㐿⼕ず⡃ᣵ૮ሞᵦ ݶ ᐵತ〤㙺㨡 㨒ႌᦵǎつ研⑟㦕↷ܻ ཙ̜ ⇶૦ۜ ⦾⡃ 㐫⻋഑㬟䢬つനᙋॺᐨᎭ֯ ᖾⴵύ中ǎ 㡗☖⃚്́ૣ 䢬഑㬟ೡ㑮׈⁨ ۽ ⑦ᆫ〲 ҥഭᄊလ㠹ੜလ⣀⃚ Ǎ ࡅ߅ Ǎ㐿ᐉလ㸪 ᳃⓺ ⃚ܻݩ 䢬࿖⦝⃚ 㐫⻋研⑟䢬܋㦕഑ 㬟㓃ॺ㐫⻋中ǎ Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, Prof Zhang explored the complexity and fractality of glucose dynamics in patients with type-1 diabetes, type-2 diabetes, pre-diabetes, and normal health. The subjects applied minimally invasive wearable devices (see Figure 1) to continuously monitor the blood glucose. Prof Zhang also developed a R package and related functions to analyse and compare the complexity and fractality. In this project, Prof Zhang developed an R package CGManalyzer and he found that there was differentiation of complexity and fractality among type-1 diabetes, type2 diabetes, prediabetes and health subjects (Figure 2). These results prompted Prof Zhang to conduct research to explore the use of complexity and fractality to assess the conditions of patients with prediabetes and then help doctors to treat the patients and adjust their life style, diet, and exercise. The developed R package contains functions for analysing data from a CGM study. It covers a wide and comprehensive range of data analysis methods including reading a series of datasets, obtaining summary statistics of glucose levels, plotting data, transforming the time stamp format, fixing missing values, evaluating the mean of daily difference and continuous overlapping net glycaemic action, calculating multiscale sample entropy, conducting pairwise comparison, and displaying results using various plots. This package is published in the journal Bioinformatics. This package has greatly facilitated the analysis of various CGM studies and helped scientists conduct research about diabetes. In addition to cooperation with hospitals, Prof Zhang’s laboratory has conducted an experiment in Macao to explore the effects of exercise, heart rate, sleep and diet on healthy people and diabetics. In the experiment, they used Fitbit charge 2 device to monitor the heart rate, sleep quality and exercise status, while the glucose fluctuations were continuously monitored by using the Freestyle blood glucose meter, and the diet was recorded and photographed by the subjects themselves. The research attracted many participants. The project is currently in the process of data analysis. Prof Zhang also uses wearable medical devices to conduct studies on cardiovascular diseases and respiratory diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma and allergic rhinitis. ಾ⻐研⑟ • ACADEMIC RESEARCH 澳大ᑓゆ • 2019 UMAGAZINE 20 65