
⁥ḵПၔೀ ॺ⁣ḳНၒಾᑚ㤘䢬഑㬟ೡ̏ 㟘ൠ̜ 〴૦研⑟㦕↷ǎॺ਌ᑜⓥ̡͜ ᫎ໲ᇤ ⻐ഭㅊᅞလᏳᤵ┷⣀㶻㷯⃚ 䢨"#1"䢩⃚̿ ㎠㙺♲ⅰ⚱܎လ研⑟ቖኳՐ᪦൪ ៪ ב നᙋ中䢬㐼⁨ⓥ̡͜ ᫎ໲研⑟ ⦾ ܻݩ 㑄⃓⃚ ⇀㠙ⅰ㤔⛵⌔3/"䢬 ଩㟊㜣㤔⛵⌔3/"䢨MnD3/"䢩Ǎ​ 3/"䢨DirD3/"䢩ǎ⦾༴๵㕕⏲大ಾ㡁 ൰㕕㡕۠ ܻݩ 㑄⃓⃚ 研⑟ᆳ܎ε䢬㐜㐿 ഭᢩ ຯ̿ ⃚̿ݶ ⅰ㎠㙺♲᣹㍦研⑟䢬ቖ ኳ⦾つ⃓⃚ 發⃚ ⇀㠙ⅰ㤔⛵⌔3/"䢬ྷ ⡈᳤ つ⃓⃚ ⅰ֯ ಞ〹ᑘ۠ ᦯ℼ㤥㷞ⅰ〲 〘ዞϫᑓⅰ⛨♘ ݶ ဓ㊊ǎᢪૣ 䢬⦾׸ᘪ 㟊䢨研⑟䢩ǍҀ༏⏲ಾಾ㡕⮑Ѩᐑእⅰ ഑㬟ೡ܎ε䢬㐜㐿ഭ˗ ܒ ⴵύⅰ䢨଩䢺 ׈⁨$riTprᇤ⻐ഭ:9 1਌् 㐫⻋ᐢ㡗䢩 ᐻ㪍㮻㎠㙺♲研⑟Ϛቖኳ⦾つ਌् ⇀㠙 ⅰ㟊㜣㤔⛵⌔3/"䢬᳤ ᐻ㪍㮻ⅰ⁣㟊發 ⢺研⑟ዞϫᑓⅰ֯ ಞύグ਌⍓ǎ 㐜㐿⦾Ҁ༏⏲ಾಾ㡕㡕㟊㓨־૞ᐑእⅰ ഑㬟ೡ܎ε䢬ᆒмॺᑓⅰ㭗㐜㕵3/"ᫎ ໲ᇤ⻐%rPp TeRⅰ਌⍓˔䢬ϓ⁨大㸑ឹ় 研⑟̒ ⥎⥁℧♠⣜ⅰ֯ 㧙 ֯ݶ ٨ǎ 㓨ᐑእⅰ഑㬟ೡㆯㆺ⁣ḳᫎ೙ ݶ 3/" ᫎ໲͞ ዞϫ%rPp TeRᐨᎭ䢬ᆒмⅰ഑ 㬟ೡ˷⾾ҍ㕳ᑜᐨᎭ֯ ᖾ䢬͞ ኼ♘大㸑 Bioinformatics Prof Zhang’s laboratory has also initiated several research projects on bioinformatics. In the integrative transcriptomic analysis on the in-depth exploration of the mechanisms of allergic bronchopulmonary asper- gillosis (ABPA), we utilise next-generation sequencing to study respiratory disease-related non-coding RNA, such as long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) and circular RNA (circRNA). We have collaborated with Guangzhou Medical University First Affiliated Hospital and Guangzhou Respiratory Tract Disease Research Centre. Through comparative transcriptomic studies between healthy individuals and patients, we discover disease-related non-coding RNA, which acts as candidates of biomarkers for molecular diagnosis as well as targets in drug design. Moreover, collaborating with Prof Ge Wei in the FHS, employing zebrafish with different mutations (eg YX-1 gene knockout with CRISPR/Cas9), we perform transcriptomic analysis to explore gene-related lncRNA, which helps clarify the regulation of the gene and thus provides the molecular mechanism of the specific gene during zebrafish development. Through collaboration with Prof Chuxia Deng in the FHS, we investigate the classification and differentiation of breast tumour cells with rats as model using the new high-throughput RNA sequencing technique, Drop-seq. Deng’s laboratory carries out the bioassays and RNA sequencing to obtain Drop-seq dataset, and our ACADEMIC RESEARCH • ಾ⻐研⑟ 2019 UMAGAZINE 20 • 澳大ᑓゆ 66 ९̡ ğ 發⻠ॺ #iPinGPrmBUiDT 㢴へ˔ⅰ֯ ᖾ♺ᗈ Figure 2 • Results published in the Bioinformatics