
With the popularisation of increasingly sophisticated machine translation systems, language difference need not be the barrier that it used to be. According to statistics from the Globalization and Localization Association, the market size of the global language services industry reached USD 45 billion in 2018. By the year 2021, this figure is expected to rise to USD 56.2 billion, with the Chinese market claiming USD 5.39 billion. Seeing the growing demand for translation services worldwide, a team of researchers from the University of Macau (UM) has developed a Chinese-Portuguese-English machine translation system to assist translators and enhance the efficiency and quality of their work. ᴲ㷞⿫ഊ • FOCAL STORY 澳大ᑓゆ • 2019 UMAGAZINE 20 5 Meeting the Needs of Translation Companies With advancements in artificial intelligence and computer technology, machine translation has become one of the key areas of research at UM. In this respect, the Natural Language Processing & Portuguese-Chinese Machine Translation Laboratory (NLP2CT) has made tremendous progress over the past two decades, as is reflected in the various innovative translation systems it has developed, most notably UMCAT, the latest online translation system that can effectively assist professional translators in the translation, proofreading, and management of translation projects. In addition to producing smart full-text translation with a high degree of accuracy, UMCAT has various other functions, such as creating industry-specific terminology databases, enabling clear division of labour for large projects, effectively monitoring translation and review progress, and suggesting terms for reference. It is suitable for individuals, government departments and companies that need to handle a large amount of translation projects involving Chinese, English and Portuguese. Launched in December 2018, UM-CAT now has close to 100 registered institutional users, both at home and abroad. Wong Fai, director of the NLP2CT and associate professor in the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST), explains that UM-CAT has two features that help enhance translation efficiency. First, the multiple builtin functions, such as smart translation, translation memory, glossary management, collaborative translation, and AI-based prompting, enable the system to show the ᭸㉚ͳᜬ⠻ㄹ㣏⿀ 㢋⮍̿ ๺智能 〘ݶ ┰៪ᇤ⻐ⅰ發 ൠ䢬澳大⦨ᴿゆ〓ⴵύ⦾中葡៪࣮ 翻譯഑㬟ೡ䢨/-12$5䢩ۨྲ̜ 㕳大ⅰ研⑟成ᗈ䢬៪࣮ 翻譯ຂ成᳤ 澳大ⅰ㕳㷞研發㦕↷́ ˍǎՐ 中䢬/-12$5ᕍᑓ研發ⅰǗॺ⛨中葡 英㍴ أ 翻譯平台ǘ䢨6. $"5䢩䢬 能᳤ 中葡英㢱ゆᆖ˓ゆ̥ 譯ዞϫᕅനᜪ ⅰǍᬞ⌒လᕅ㭗ⅰ全ᐵ智能翻譯䢬Ց㭓 ᆼᧈٛ ሱཅ⒢ͱᜪന൰ⅰ⻋ᜪ⁨ゆ㇒ᑁ ༄䢬᪷ ᓢ₴ύ大় 翻譯㦕↷ⅰ֯ ๺ೌ ኯ䢬ᕔᐅ㐅㋭翻譯ᨢ␗۠ ഔᘼ㐫ༀ䢬۠͞ 智能ㄤׄۜ ⡁⁨ゆ⓺⓺ǎᢪ翻譯平台 㑕܎個̿ Ǎ᐀໺㒲㟑۠ ͱᜪⴵύ大㕵 ૦ゆ翻譯㦕↷䢬ዞ ڌ 翻譯ᐅἐǎ6. $"5⦨201 ໛12ᕓ዁֦ ⦮͌ 䢬ຂᕔ㏧ Ⅼ೮२Յૣ ៪᝵〺՛ϓ⁨ǎ Ꭽ/-12$5˷ͭ Ǎ⏲ᇤಾ㡕׸ᐑእ㷊 ㍽͍ ♧䢬6. $"5〲〘ྷ Շ大ᑚ㤘 ዞ ڌ 翻譯ᐅἐ䢺首ԯ䢬☃ᒛ翻譯Ǎ ࠴⁨ۜ ⡁ǎつ平台˗ӄ㔊ҥᘼ࿖ⅰ 智能翻譯功能䢬ᕅཙՄ翻譯〤ᅎǍ ⻐ゆ┷ύǍ ܒږ 翻譯Ǎ"*㍴ أ ዞ⍵ ⓺૦Ԫ〲⟂ǎǗ6. $"5能ᇮ˗ ܒ 翻譯޹ᕋ⚭ϓ⁨ᆖཅㄸⅰǍᕍ♰ኻ ⁨ⅰ譯ᐵ᪷ ᓢ㧧⍵䢬͞ ϫۜ ⡁䢬⌒ Й⻋ᐵ⁨ゆⅰˍ⦯လ ݶ ᬞ⌒လǎǘ Րᡷ䢬 أږ 翻譯॰㡴֯ ๺܎εǎ6. $"5ኻ⁨Ǘ翻譯/ഔᘼ/ኯḙǘⅰ͍ 㤘๺ εឹ ཕ䢬㤇᨜ഭ˗ ܒ ⅰ翻譯㦕↷֯ ๺䢬