
FOCAL STORY • ᴲ㷞⿫ഊ 2019 UMAGAZINE 20 • 澳大ᑓゆ 6 ᑚϾ┷ύ⽜㢴૦Ԫⅰ翻譯ͭ ؿ 䢬 ܒ ᒿᕔ ᐅ㐅㊼翻譯㐫ༀ۠ ᠝⿍ᕍ♰翻譯♺ᗈ䢬 ዞ㭗॰㡴 ږ εᐅἐǎ۵ૣ 䢬/-12$5㐓 㐿澳大׼ᑓ׼ᜪ中࿖䢬㖁ഭͱᜪ ݶ Պ܅ 㣍⾾䢬 ۽ ᇮ6. $"5個လ٨䢬᳤ 翻譯 ޹ዞϫ೎ᐤⅰ⿼᥼ᑚᙋǎ ቍঃ৶သᬠ⌔⠻ㄹ ഭ大⇶⡈〓䢬⛆˔̏ ᕔˍ̬ ៪࣮ 翻譯䢬 ଩ Google Translate ൄ ͞۽ 翻譯˗ ܒ ゆ␯ǎΠ㷊㍽ᐑእ⻠⍵䢬⛆˔翻譯☲⚕ ˍ⧛ᒴ㐜⁨㦦৴ᐵᕲⅰ翻譯䢬♠╆˔ᕰ 能ᘽᎭঁ ৴˔ᐵ٨๿₠ε֦ ᬞ⌒翻譯䢬 Ǘϟ଩䢬澳㟑ⅰǙ大˓ຄǚ䢬⛆˔☲⚕ൄ ˗ᕐᇮೇ翻譯ྲ 㒄㷃ᬞ⌒ঁ 㑄䢻۞ㄵ ଩Ǚ├ಞ਌ǚ䢬ൄ ᕐ譯成Ǚ├ಞǚ㨴Ց ݶ Ǚ਌ᕲⅰ჋ဓǚ䢬⡈㤔ᆒмᆳ≷㑄 ⅰ⻓ ܓ Ǚ├ಞ਌ǚǎǘ͒ ⿼㕱ゐ䢺Ǘ㐛̬ ☲⚕ᆳ翻譯ⅰᒴ大㭓჋ဓ䢬㟘發⡃ˍ ⧛˗ᕐ㠙᧘個ׄ လⅰᆖঁ ৴လⅰ翻譯ᐅ ᗈǎ⇀ഭ⡈〓䢬6. $"5ᕔྩ ཯ⅰ澳 㟑ᕲॶゆᐵ٨㑶㎊䢬ॺ⻓㑄 ܓ ␲Ǎ㒲㟑 ܓ ತǍᧈྫྷ ゆ〓Ǎຯ⁨さ྅⓺ᑚ㤘ⅰ翻 譯Ցᕔ㍦㭗ⅰᬞ⌒ༀǎǘ ۵ૣ 䢬⛆˔翻譯☲⚕˗ᕐЙ₍ ݶ ┷ύ ⁨ᆬᣵˍᡷϓ⁨ྭ ⅰ翻譯≷ㄤ䢬6. $"5ᢩ ତ੤⼻̜ 㐛㦕功能ǎ㷊㍽ᐑእ ゐ䢺Ǘϟ଩⮍ε翻譯䢬₢ι˗᭶჋ˍ個 ៪࣮ 翻譯♺ᗈ䢬ഭᗬˍ⁨ゆᆖ۴ಞε֦ ゞᐤ䢬ιᕐຒᕤೇ͞ྭ ቋᵦιⅰСᏼ䢬 ε ܒ ˍ⻠㑅ǎ ۽ Ⴀ䢬⛆˔翻譯☲⚕ᔏᒿ ᦒᕔ㐛␯功能ǎ⡈6. $"5 ۽כ ഭι 翻譯ᒿⅰ⻋ᐵСᏼ㐫⻋〤ᅎԜಥ䢬ᑚϾ ᑻྭ 㕳⿂ϓ⁨䢬۠͞ ⚋Ր͒ 翻譯޹ۜ ⡁ǎǘ㷊㍽ᐑእべ᳤ 䢬翻譯຋਻⇀₢ 大䢬Ǘ大യͱᜪ㓃ᕔ⦨ກ˗ ܒ ␗ༀⅰ翻 譯㣍ᥐ䢬ྡྷྡྷ 㣍⾾ᕔˍ個㍴ أ 翻譯┷ύ ☲⚕ۙ ᏼ࠴Ǎ؝㐡翻譯๺ε䢬┷ύ́ נ 翻譯ⅰᐵ᠐䢬⡈6. $"5ൄ ۽ ⿼᥼㐛 ᑚ㤘ⅰ㣍ᥐǎǘ translations that were produced, suggested, or adopted by different translators for the current user’s reference, in order to ensure consistency and accuracy. Second, the user interface that integrates the various steps of a translation project, from translation to proofreading to typesetting, enables flexible division of labour for different projects, facilitates day-to-day management of complex projects, and allows users to effectively monitor translation progress and view the final product, thereby enhancing team efficiency. Moreover, the NLP2CT personalises UM-CAT through UM’s Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship to better meet the needs of companies and provide the complete solution for translators. Tailor-made for the Local Market You may wonder why anyone would need UM-CAT when there are already free online translation platforms such as Google Translate. Prof Wong explains that while Google Translate does a good job of translating generic terms, it falls short when it comes to culture-specific terms. For instance, if you type in the Chinese name of the Ruins of St Paul’s Cathedral in Google Translate, it may not produce a satisfactory translation. Another example is ‘Fai Chi Kei’, a residential area in Macao. In Chinese, ‘Fai Chi’ means ‘chopsticks’, and ‘Kei’ means ‘basics’, so Google Translate is likely to translate this term into ‘chopsticks basics’. It is an inevitable shortcoming with online translation platforms like Google Translate because developers tend to be geographically indiscriminate in the design process. But this is precisely where UM-CAT comes in. It can translate Macao’s street names, government departments, legal terminology, and other terms commonly used in Macao, with a much higher degree of accuracy. UM-CAT has another function that is lacking in online translation platforms like Google Translate—it enables the user to revise an unsatisfactory translation produced by the system and remembers the manually revised version for future reference. Prof Wong believes that UM-CAT has a role to play in the sizeable language service market. ‘Big companies all need translation services to varying degrees, and a system like UM-CAT not only can help improve the speed and quality of translation; it can also assist in the management of old files,’ he says.